1. Respiratory case
2. Asthma
3. Bronchiectasis
4. Cystic fibrosis
6. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
7. Cor pulmonale
8. Cough
9. Fever & coronavirus SARS-COV2
10. Collapsed lung
11. Obstructive sleep apnoea
12. Bronchogenic carcinoma
13. Pulmonary tuberculosis
14. Cardiovascular case
15. Aortic regurgitation
16. Aortic stenosis
17. Mixed aortic valve lesion
18. Mitral regurgitation
19. Mitral stenosis
20. Mitral valve prolapse
21. Mixed mitral valve disease
22. Mixed mitral & aortic valve disease
23. Prosthetic heart valves
24. Tricuspid regurgitation
25. Pulmonary stenosis
26. Atrial septal defect
27. Ventricular septal defect
28. Patent ductus arteriosus
29. Ebstein’s anomaly
30. Fallot’s tetralogy
31. Dextocardia
32. Eisenmenger’s syndrome
33. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
34. Congested cardiac failure
35. Constrictive pericarditis
36. Infective endocarditis
37. Abdominal case
38. Swallowing difficulties
39. Diarrhoea
40. Crohn’s disease
41. Abdominal mass
42. Abdominal ascites
43. Cirrhosis of the liver
44. Jaundice
45. Hepatomegaly
46. Splenomegaly
47. Haemochromatosis
48. Wilson’s disease
49. Felty’s syndrome
50. Unilateral palpable kidney
51. Polycystic kidney disease
52. Nephrotic syndrome
53. Transplanted kidney
54. Hypertension
55. Anaemia
56. Bruising
57. Multiple myeloma
58. Myelodysplastic syndrome
59. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
60. Chromic myelocytic leukaemia
61. Acute leukaemia
62. Lymphadenopathy
63. Rheumatology case
64. Ankylosing spondylitis
65. Charcot’s arthropathy
66. Ehler’s Danlos
67. Gout
68. Osteoarthritis
69. Psoriasic arthritis
70. Rheumatoid arthritis
71. Dermatomyositis
72. Scleroderma
73. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
74. Small vessel Vasculitis
75. Acromegaly
76. Hypopituitarism
77. Thyroid case (named endocrinology case in the cases delivered)
78. Grave’s disease
79. Orbitopathy
80. Multinodular goitre
81. Hypothyroidism
82. Hypoparathyroidism
83. Primary Hyperparathyroidism
84. Addison’s disease
85. Cushing’s syndrome
86. Carcinoid syndrome
87. Gynaecomastia
88. Osteoporosis
89. Obesity
90. Diabetes type 1
91. Diabetes type 2
92. Diabetic foot
93. Eye case
94. Age- related macular degeneration
95. Cataracts
96. Cholesterol embolus in the fundus
97. Diabetic retinopathy
98. Hypertensive retinopathy
99. Optic atrophy
100. Osteogenesis imperfecta
101. Papilloedema
102. Retinal detachment
103. Retinal vein occlusion
104. Retinitis pigmentosa
105. Subhyaloid haemorrhage
106. Vitreous opacities
107. Acanthosis nigricans
108. Acne vulgaris
109. Alopecia areata
110. Arterial leg ulcer
111. Arteriovenous fistula
112. Atopic dermatitis
113. Bullous eruption
114. Cutaneous T cell lymphoma (Mycosis Fungoides)
115. Dermatitis herpetiformis
116. Eruptive xanthomata
117. Erythema ab igne
118. Erythema multiforme
119. Erythema nodosum
120. Fungal nail disease
121. Hairy leucoplakia
122. Henoch-Schonlein purpura
123. Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
124. Herpes simplex
125. Herpes zoster syndrome
126. Icthyocyosis
127. Lichen planus
128. Lichen simplex
129. Lipodystrophy
130. Lupus pernio
131. Maculopapular rash
132. Malignant melanoma
133. Molluscum contagiosum
134. Nail changes
135. Necrobiosis lipoidica
136. Neurofibromatosis
137. Onycholysis
138. Palmar xanthomata
139. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
140. Phlebitis migrans
141. Pretibial myxoedema
142. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
143. Psoriasis
144. Purpura
145. Pyoderma gangrenosum
146. Raynaud’s phenomenon
147. Rosacea
148. Seborrheic dermatitis
149. Struge-Weber syndrome
150. Tuberous sclerosis
151. Utricaria
152. Utricaria pigmentosa
153. Venous ulcer
154. Vitiligo
155. Xanthelasma
156. Xanthomata
157. Neurology case
158. Primary headache
159. Memory loss
160. Micturition difficulties
161. Abnormal gait
162. Agryll Robertson pupil
163. Becker muscular dystrophy
164. Spastic Paraplegia
165. Bitemporal hemianopia
166. Brown-Sequard syndrome
167. Carpal tunnel syndrome
168. Central scotoma
169. Cerebellar syndrome
170. Cerebellar dysarthria
171. Cerebellopontine angle tumour
172. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
173. Chorea
174. Lateral popliteal nerve palsy
175. Expressive dysphasia
176. Facioscapulohumeral Dystrophy (Landouzy–Déjérine Syndrome)
177. Friedereich’s ataxia
178. Hemiballismus
179. Hemiplegia
180. Homonymous hemianopia
181. Internuclear opthalmoplegia
182. Jerky nystagmus
183. Limb girdle dystrophy
184. Motor neuron disease
185. Multiple sclerosis
186. Multiple system atrophy
187. Myasthenia gravis
188. Myotonia congenita
189. Myotonic dystrophy
190. Parkinson’s disease
191. Peripheral neuropathy
192. Proximal myopathy
193. Pseudobulbar palsy
194. Horner’s syndrome
195. Radial nerve palsy
196. Seventh cranial nerve palsy (Bell’s palsy)
197. Sixth cranial nerve palsy
198. Syringomyelia
199. Tetraplegia
200. Third cranial nerve palsy
201. Tremors
202. Deformity of lower limb
203. Ulnar nerve palsy
204. Wallenberg syndrome (Lateral medullary syndrome)
205. Wasting of the small muscles of the hand
206. Long thoracic neuropathy
207. Anxiety
208. Back pain
209. Pruritus
210. Speech disturbance
211. Vestibular neuronitis
212. Absent radial pulse
213. Acute confusion
214. Acute kidney injury
215. Acute pancreatitis
216. Anaphylaxis
217. Angina
218. Cauda equina syndrome
219. Cellulitis
220. Coarctation of the aorta
221. Deep vein thrombosis
222. Gallop rhythm
223. Gullian-Barre syndrome
224. Hyperkalaemia
225. Hypernatraemia
226. Hypokalaemia
227. Hyponatraemia
228. Melaena
229. Paracetamol overdose
230. Pericardial rub
231. Pleural effusion
232. Sepsis
233. Pneumonia
234. Pulmonary embolism
235. Jugular venous Pulse
236. Seizures
237. Septic arthritis
238. Slow pulse rate
239. Spontaneous pneumothorax
240. Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord
241. Subarachnoid haemorrhage
242. Syncope
243. The pregnant patient
244. Central line insertion
245. Chest drain insertion
246. Emergency synchronised DCCV
247. Knee arthrocentesis
248. Lumbar puncture
249. Therapeutic abdominal paracentesis
250. External pacing
This unique book presents a wealth of information on common presentations and illnesses, presented as medical case studies. It is useful for exam preparation, as a quick reference guide for working doctors, and as an interesting read for all those interested in medicine.
250 Clinical Cases covers a wide variety of conditions, providing in-depth insights into the most relevant topics, classified by system. Cases are accompanied by common viva voce examination questions as well as more advanced level questions that will help the reader develop a deeper understanding.
Now in its sixth edition, the book has been fully updated to reflect current evidence and relevance for working doctors. It will help everyone, from medical students to consultants, to find the hidden clinical gems and historical background they need to achieve true clinical excellence.
• 250 clinical cases in print – provides a comprehensive overview of all relevant topics
• Conversational and accessible style – suitable for medical students
• Based on the latest evidence – provides an ideal quick reference guide
• ‘Ward round’ type question and answer section - ideal for exam preparation
• Cases alphabetised by system for easy navigation
• Easily portable size – fits into any medical bag
• An enhanced eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud
New To This Edition:
• Self-assessment by system
• Interesting medical emergency presentations
• Procedures for the core medical curriculum
• Topics updated for clinical relevance
• Multiple choice questions replaced with open answer questions