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• Section 1: Life Cycles of Common Parasites of Companion Animals 1
1 Introduction to Parasite Life Cycles 2
Arthropods 2
Helminths 4
Protozoa 6
Further reading 10
2 Parasites of Dogs and Cats 12
Arthropods 12
Te cat fea, Ctenocephalides felis felis 12
Te sheep tick, Ixodes ricinus 14
Te hedgehog tick, Ixodes hexagonus 16
Te dog tick, Ixodes canisuga 18
Te brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus 20
Te meadow tick, Dermacentor reticulatus 22
Te itch mite, Sarcoptes scabiei 24
Te follicle mite, Demodex 26
Te fur mite, Cheyletiella 28
Te lice, Trichodectes canis, Linognathus setosus and Felicola subrostratus 30
Helminths 32
Te dog roundworm, Toxocara canis 32
Te cat roundworm, Toxocara cati 34
Toxascaris leonina 36
Te northern hookworm, Uncinaria stenocephala 38
Te canine hookworm, Ancylostoma caninum 40
Te whipworm, Trichuris vulpis 42
Te French heartworm, Angiostrongylus vasorum 44
Te fox lungworm, Crenosoma vulpis 46
Te dog lungworm, Oslerus osleri (Filaroides osleri) 48
Te cat lungworm, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus 50
Taenia hydatigena and other Taenia spp. 52
Taenia taeniaeformis 56
Echinococcus granulosus 58
Te fea tapeworm, Dipylidium caninum 62
Protozoa 64
Toxoplasma gondii 64
Neospora caninum 66
Cryptosporidium spp. 68
Sarcocystis spp. 70
Cystoisospora spp. 72
Giardia and Tritrichomonas spp. 74
Babesia canis 76
3 Parasites of Horses 78
Arthropods 78
Te horse bot, Gasterophilus intestinalis, and other Gasterophilus spp. 78
Te horse fies, Tabanus and Haematopota 80
Te sheep head fy, Hydrotaea irritans 82
Te face fy, Musca autumnalis 84
Te stable fy, Stomoxys calcitrans 86
Te midge, Culicoides, and the blackfy, Simulium 88
Chorioptes equi 90
Te chewing louse, Bovicola equi, and the biting louse, Haematopinus asini 92
Helminths 94
Te large strongyles: Strongylus vulgaris and other Strongylus spp. 94
Te small redworms, the cyathostomins 98
Parascaris equorum 100
Te pinworm, Oxyuris equi 102
Te lungworm, Dictyocaulus arnfeldi 104
Te horse tapeworm, Anoplocephala perfoliata 106
Te liver fuke, Fasciola hepatica 108
Protozoa 110
Eimeria leuckarti 110
Teileria equi and equine piroplasms 112
• Section 2: Morphology of Parasites and Their Stages in Tissues 115
4 Introduction to Morphology of Parasites and Teir Stages in Tissues 116
Arthropods 116
Acarines 116
Insects 120
Helminths 126
Nematodes 126
Cestodes 128
Further reading and references 128
5 Arthropods of Cats and Dogs 130
Common fea species on pets 130
Recognition of adult tick genera on pets 134
Ixodes ricinus 136
Ixodes hexagonus 138
Rhipicephalus sanguineus 140
Dermacentor reticulatus 142
Haemaphysalis spp. 144
Burrowing and non-burrowing mites 146
Sarcoptes scabiei and Notoedres cati 146
Demodex spp. 148
Cheyletiella spp. and other fur mites 150
Otodectes cynotis, Neotrombicula autumnalis and Dermanyssus gallinae 152
Distinguishing parasitic mites and forage mites 154
Te lice, Trichodectes canis, Linognathus setosus and Felicola subrostratus 156
Fly strike: identifcation of the life cycle stages of Lucilia sericata 158
6 Helminths of Cats and Dogs 160
Adult helminths of dogs 160
Adult helminths of cats 164
Nematode eggs in dog and cat faecal samples: I 166
Nematode eggs in dog and cat faecal samples: II 168
Angiostrongylus vasorum larval stages 170
Oslerus osleri and Aelurostrongylus abstrusus larval stages 172
Crenosoma vulpis larval stages 174
Tapeworm eggs and segments in faeces 176
Tapeworm metacestode cysts in tissues 180
7 Protozoa of Dogs and Cats 184
Protozoal parasites in dog and cat faecal samples: I 184
Protozoal parasites in dog and cat faecal samples: II 186
Babesia spp. 188
8 Arthropods of Horses 190
Biting fies: Muscidae and Tabanidae 190
Non-biting fies: Muscidae 192
Mosquitoes: some common species 194
Te louse fy, Hippobosca equina 196
Mange mites: diferential identifcation 198
Morphological features of horse lice 200
9 Helminths of Horses 202
Strongylus spp. 202
Cyathostomins 204
Oxyuris and Anoplocephala 206
Parascaris equorum 208
Dictyocaulus arnfeldi 210
Habronema and other spiruroids 212
Helminth eggs and larvae in horse faeces: I 214
Helminth eggs and larvae in horse faeces: II 216
Section 3: Parasites and Vectors Associated with Companion Animal Importation 219
10 Parasites and Disease Vectors Associated with Companion Animal Importation 221
Introduction 221
Exotic feas 222
Imported helminths 224
Echinococcus multilocularis 224
Te heartworm, Diroflaria immitis 226
Diroflaria repens and other flarial worms 228
Te tongue worm, Linguatula serrata 230
Onchocerca lupi 232
Te oesophageal worm, Spirocerca lupi 234
Te eye worm, Telazia callipaeda 236
Protozoa and vectors 238
Leishmania infantum 238
Ticks 240
References 244
Index 247

A Colour Atlas of Companion Animal Parasites: Life Cycles and Morphological Identification illustrates how to identify common parasites of dogs, cats and horses using simple morphological features. It presents parasite life cycles in straightforward, accurate terms, and covers:
· The general features of major arthropods, helminths and protozoa of dogs, cats and horses.
· Morphological identification of both adult parasites and their immature stages in tissues, with particular consideration given to differential identification.
· Major parasites of companion animals which may shift regions because of climate change, animal movement and other anthropogenic factors.

Parasite identification is fundamental, not only for planning treatment, prevention and management of parasitic disease, but also for surveillance of invasive exotic parasites and for monitoring the spread of endemic species. With 600 parasite specimens photographed and annotated as a quick reference resource, this book mirrors what a practitioner might view down a microscope, bringing the subject alive. It forms a complete and practical resource for all veterinary students, veterinarians, and anyone interested in parasite control.