172,90 ۥ Part I. Morphological and Functional Anatomy of the Peripheral Nerve
Chapter 1. The Normal Nerve.Chapter 2. The Injured Nerve
Chapter 3. The Plexus
• Part II Nerves of the Upper Limb
Chapter 4. The Brachial Plexus
Chapter 5. The Axillary Nerve
Chapter 6. The Musculocutaneous Nerve
Chapter 7. The Radial Nerve
Chapter 8. The Median Nerve
Chapter 9. The Ulnar Nerve
Chapter 10. The Suprascapular Nerve
Chapter 11. The Long Thoracic Nerve
• Part III Nerves of the lower limb
Chapter 12. The Lumbosacral Plexus
Chapter 13. The Obturator Nerve
Chapter 14. The Femoral Nerve
Chapter 15. The Sciatic Nerve
Chapter 16. The Tibial Nerve
Chapter 17. The Fibular Nerve
Chapter 18. The Lateral Cutaneous Nerve
Chapter 19. The Ilio Hypogastric and Ilio Inguinal Nerve
This book focuses on the anatomy of the peripheral nervous system. Using the latest 3D-computer graphic modeling techniques, the author developed the innovative NEURO 3D LOCATORTM concept, which provides 3D in-vivo ultrasound images of peripheral nerve architectures, allowing readers to develop a mental real-time 3D GPS of the peripheral nervous system.This new edition is an extended version of the “Student edition” dedicated to Experts and is divided into three main parts: The first part describes fundamental concepts, from immunohistochemistry to limb innervation, and includes a detailed evaluation of the morphofunctional anatomy of the peripheral nerves. It also presents relevant data on neuromuscular transmission, from both classic and recent literature, to enable readers to gain an understanding the physiology and pathology of peripheral nerves as well as the prospects of repair. The second section addresses the upper limb, the brachial plexus and related peripheral nerves, while the third section focuses on the lower limb, the lumbosacral plexus and related peripheral nerves.By providing MRI sections related to the drawings and the descriptions of main nerve injuries, it facilitates radiological interpretation and clinical learning. The book also features detailed descriptions of surgical approaches and the ultrasound anatomy of the limbs, and includes supplementary material on applications to peripheral nerve stimulation, surgical procedures and interventional pain medicine techniques.Presenting high-quality 3D videos showing the progression of the ultrasound probe in real-time, synchronized with live ultrasound views and enhanced with anatomical computerized graphic layers, as well as over 500 outstanding full-color 2D and 3D illustrations, and access to than 100 practical videos, this unique book is a valuable resource for anesthesiologists, radiologists, orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, neuromodulators, physiatrists, pain physicians and rheumatologists. It will also appeal to the medical community in general.
• Features 500 outstanding color pictures and over 100 top-quality 3D videos, available as ESM
• Offers a unique 3D topographical guide to the anatomy of the peripheral nerves Provides a unique resource for anesthesiologists, radiologists, orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, neuromodulators, physiatrists, pain physicians and rheumatologists
Prof. Philippe Rigoard is a spine and functional neurosurgeon and the head of the Spine & Neuromodulation Department at the Poitiers University Hospital, in France. He is also an Honorary Consultant at St Thomas & Guy’s Hospital, Pain clinic, in London, UK, an Anatomy conference reader at the Human Morphology Institute, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Poitiers and a Researcher at the CNRS, UPR 3346 Lab, Faculty of Sciences, Futuroscope. He is research program director of the PRISMATICS (Predictive Research In Spine & Neuromodulation Management And Thoracic Innovations In Cardiac Surgery) Lab in Poitiers.
In parallel of studying anatomy and morphology at National Art Institute, Beaux-Arts, Paris, from 1994-1996, he decided to enter into medicine. He received his medical degree as 1st Laureate of faculty of Medicine, Poitiers in 2006 and completed postgraduate medical training in spine surgery 2008 and a fellowship in functional neurosurgery in 2009.
From 2002-2007 he also completed his PhD of Sciences, in Poitiers as well as several degrees including in Neuromuscular Diseases, acute pain, chronic pain and pain management in emergency conditions, microsurgical techniques and surgical robotics.
His main research interest is neuromodulation and spine biomechanics. He has intensive scientific collaborations with several researchers worldwide, e.g., Prof. Moens (Be), Dr. Al-Kaisy (UK), Prof. North and Prof. Slavin (USA). He is reviewer for many scientific journals and a member of several learnt societies, including the International Association for the Study of Pain, International Neuromodulation society, European Association of Neurosurgeons, French and North American Society of Spine Surgery, and has been recently elected to become member of the National Academy of Surgery.
He is the actual president of the French Neuromodulation Association (SFNM) and the French chapter of the International Neuromodulation Society.
He has also published dozens of journal articles, abstracts, and book chapters, and has lectured at numerous conferences and symposia worldwide.