20,52 €Acknowledgements
Disclaimers and Disclosures
Eric Goosby
1. Natural History and Classification
2. Laboratory Tests
The HIV Viruses
HIV Serologic Tests
Viral Detection
CD4 Cell Count
Resistance Testing
Screening Laboratory Tests
3. Disease Prevention
Prevention of HIV
Prevention of Infection in PLWH
4. Antiretroviral Therapy
Recommendations for Antiretroviral Therapy
Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) to Antiretroviral Agents
Recommendations for Antiretroviral Therapy in Pregnancy
Post-exposure Prophylaxis
5. HIV in Resource Limited Settings
6. Drug Information
7. Management of Infection
8. Systems Review
The 17th edition of Bartlett's Medical Management of HIV Infection offers the best-available clinical guidance for treatment of patients with HIV. Edited by preeminent and pioneering authorities in HIV research and clinical care, it has earned its status as the definitive work for physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and anyone working in the care of persons with HIV.
Updated to reflect the most recent innovations in HIV prevention and therapy, this text balances new and old approaches to produce a guide to clinical management in any setting. Coverage includes:
• New approaches to prevention of HIV and prevention of infection in patients with HIV
• Laboratory protocols for screening and treatment
• Antiretroviral therapies (including dosage and adverse effects and drug interactions )
• HIV treatment in resource-limited settings
• Management of infections
A portable, navigable guide to an exquisitely complex field, Bartlett's Medical Management of HIV Infection is the continuing standard for practice and education in the field of HIV.
• A completely revised text in HIV treatment, authored by authorities in its practice and pharmacology
• Practical instructions for medication dosages and new prevention protocols
• Balances recent innovations with classic approaches to produce new unified approach to care of HIV in any setting, including those with limited resources
• Extensive coverage of antiretroviral therapies
• An essential tool for physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and anyone working in the care of persons with HIV
• John G. Bartlett, Professor Emeritus, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
• Robert R. Redfield, Jr., Director of Clinical Care and Research, Chief of Infectious Disease, University of Maryland Institute of Human Virology.
• Paul A. Pham, Managing Partner, Westview Urgent Care MediCenter