197,59 ۥ Part I Invasive Breast Cancer- 1. Biopsy Techniques in Non- palpable or Palpable Breast Lesions
2. Evaluations of Patients for Metastases Prior to Primary Therapy
3. Staging of Breast Cancer
4. Surgical Treatment of Early-Stage Breast Cancer
5. Evaluations of Axillary Nodes
6. Breast Reconstruction
7. Adjuvant Systemic Therapy: Endocrine Therapy
8. Adjuvant Systemic Chemotherapy for HER2-Negative Disease
9. Adjuvant Therapy for HER2-Positive Early Breast Cancer
10. Post-mastectomy Adjuvant Radiotherapy (PMRT)
11. Adjuvant Radiation Therapy After Preoperative Chemotherapy
12. Breast-Conserving Therapy: Hypo fractionated and Conventional Whole-Breast Irradiation and Accelerated Partial-Breast Irradiation
• Part II Preoperative Systemic Therapy
13 Preoperative Therapies for Operable Breast Cancer
14 Neoadjuvant Hormonal Therapies in Breast Cancer
15 Systemic Therapies for Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
16 Systemic Therapies for Inflammatory Breast Cancer
• Part III Surgical Management of Patient with Preoperative Systemic Therapy- 17 Surgical Management of Operable Breast Cancer After Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy
18 Surgical Management of Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
19 Surgical Management of Inflammatory Breast Cancer
• Part IV Special Therapeutic Problems- 20 Occult Primary Breast Cancer with Axillary Metastases
21 Breast Cancer in Older Women
22 Breast Cancer in Young Women (Premenopausal Breast Cancer)
23 Male Breast Cancer
24 Breast Cancer in Pregnancy
25 Paget’s disease of the Breast
26 Phyllodes Tumors of the Breast
27 Nonepithelial Malignancies of the Breast
• Part V Evaluation After Primary Therapy and Management of Recurrent Breast Cancer
28 Surveillance of Patients Following Primary Therapy
29 Surgeries for the Primary Tumor in Patients with De Novo Stage IV Breast Cancer
30 Local-Regional Recurrences After Breast-Conservation Treatment or Mastectomy
31 Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer: Endocrine Therapy
32 Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer: Chemotherapy
33 Treatment of HER2- Overexpressing Metastatic Breast Cancer
34 End-of-Life Considerations in Patients with Breast Cancer
• Part VI New Breast Cancer Therapeutic Approaches
35 Angiogenesis Inhibition in Breast Cancer
36 Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
37 Immunotherapy
• Part VII Site-Specific Therapy of Metastatic Breast Cancer
38 Neurological Metastases
39 Ocular Metastases. Nergiz Dagoglu and Anand Mahadevan
40 Management of Malignant Pleural Effusions in Breast Cancer
41 Management of Discrete Pulmonary Nodules
42 Management of Isolated Liver Metastasis. Abdullah Igci and Enver Özkurt
43 Bone-Directed Therapy and Breast Cancer: Bisphosphonates, Monoclonal Antibodies, and Radionuclides Bulent Erdogan and Irfan Cicin
44 The Local Management of Bone Metastases. Levent Eralp and Halil Buldu
• Part VIII Review of the Breast Cancer Management
45 A Review of Local and Systemic Therapy in Breast Cancer
46 Decision Pathways in Breast Cancer Management
• Part IX Supportive Care in Breast Cancer
47 Nursing Care and Management
48 Psychosocial Adaptation During and After Breast Cancer
49 Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema (BCRL)
50 Reproductive Issues in Breast Cancer
51 Onco-cardiology for Breast Cancer.
This second updated volume on breast cancer provides a comprehensive overview of its clinical management and current therapies. Updated to reflect the changes in breast cancer staging, the progress in immunotherapy approaches, as well as the latest guidelines for therapies, this book brings readers up to speed with the latest therapeutic regimens in breast cancer and provides an in-depth account of current and new therapeutic approaches. The most important phase III trials, high quality meta-analysis, consensus reports and guidelines are extensively discussed in this new edition and provide the reader with the most up-to-date information.
Divided in themed parts, the book examines invasive breast cancer, pre-operative systemic therapy surgical management and recurrence among others, thus providing an in-depth account of breast cancer at the clinical stage. Among the themed parts are a section dedicated to special therapeutic problems, such as breast cancer in older women, Paget’s disease and phyllodes tumors and a section on supportive and follow-up care.
By adopting a multidisciplinary approach to breast cancer, this book is a must-have for breast cancer practitioners. With a high number of colored illustrations and edited by highly experienced clinicians, this work enables readers to gain an interdisciplinary perspective on breast diseases. Contributions from an international team of experts present invaluable insight into clinical practice across different settings. Covering both theoretical and practical aspects of breast cancer, this is a highly informative and carefully presented book which will appeal to an international audience of medical, radiation and surgical oncologists.
• Exhaustively reviews metastatic breast disease
• Brings readers up to date with current breast cancer therapies
• Provides a comprehensive account of the most recent therapeutic regimens
• Explores special therapeutic problems in breast cancer management
• Adnan Aydiner MD, Institute of Oncology, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Oncology, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey. Professor of Medical Oncology and Internal Medicine. He is a member of many International Societies and is the Board Member of Istanbul University Oncology Institute. He is the President of Clinical Oncology Society and the President of Lung Cancer Society in Turkey. He is a Board Member of Istanbul Breast Society. He is one of the principal investigators in many International trials and he has published over 130 peer-review papers. He is one of the editors of "Breast Disease, Diagnosis and Pathology", "Breast Disease, Diagnosis and Management", and "Breast Disease, A Guide to Clinical Practice", books (by Springer), and also the editor of more than 15 books.
• Abdullah Igci MD, FACS, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Department of General Surgery, Breast Unit, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey. Professor of Surgery. Director, Turkey Breast Disease Federation; Director, Istanbul Breast Society. He has published over 60 peer-review papers, and he is one of the editors of "Breast Disease, Diagnosis and Pathology", "Breast Disease, Diagnosis and Management", and "Breast Disease, A Guide to Clinical Practice", books (by Springer).
• Atilla Soran MD, MPH, FACS, Department of Breast Surgery, Magee-Womens Hospital, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburg, USA. Professor of Surgery; Director, International Breast Fellowship Program; Director, Lymphedema Program; Director, Clinical Research for Breast Disease; Director, Breast Disease Clinical Research Program; Director, International Breast Fellowship Program; Director, Comprehensive Lymphedema Center; Chair, International Committee National Consortium of Breast Centers. He has published over 130 peer-review papers, and he is one of the editors of "Breast Disease, Diagnosis and Pathology", "Breast Disease, Diagnosis and Management", and "Breast Disease, A Guide to Clinical Practice", books (by Springer).