69,35 €1. Cognition and Creativity
2. Personality and Motivation
3. The Psychometrics of Creativity
4. Biological Perspectives on Creativity
5. Health and Clinical Perspectives
6. Social, Attributional, and Organizational Perspectives
7. Culture and Creativity
8. History and Historiometry
9. Creativity and Politics
10. Developmental Trends and Influences on Creativity
11. Educational Perspectives
12. Enhancement and the Fulfillment of Potential
13. Creativity and Philosophy
14. Conclusion: What Creativity is and What it is Not
• Summarizes research from the full range of perspectives on creativity
• Includes a new chapter on the psychometrics of creativity
• Distinguishes controlled cognition from associative and intuitive cognition
• Features substantial updates on the biology and neuroscience of creativity
• Explores creativity research relating to media, business and leadership
Mark A. Runco, Torrance Center for Creativity and Talent Development, USA; Director of Creativity Research & Programming, Southern Oregon University, Ashland OR, USA