75,05 €1. An introduction to hysteroscopy Ayesha Mahmud, T. Justin Clark and Mary Connor
2. Anatomy and physiology of the uterus Christopher Guyer, Sree Rajesh and Mary Connor
3. Infrastructure and instrumentation Priya Madhuvrata, Gillian Smith and Mary Connor
4. Diagnostic hysteroscopy: accuracy and interpretation of findings Ayesha Mahmud and T. Justin Clark
5. Hysteroscopy techniques and treatment settings J. M. Chester and T. Justin Clark
6. Analgesia and anaesthesia for hysteroscopy Natalie A. M. Cooper and Nicholas Ireland
7. Indications for hysteroscopy Dimitrios Mavrelos, Ertan Saridogan, Mary Connor and T. Justic Clark
8. Hysteroscopic electrosurgery Mary Connor
9. Complications of hysteroscopic surgery Kevin Phillips and T. Justin Clark
10. Hysteroscopic endometrial polypectomy Paul Smith and T. Justin Clark
11. Endometrial ablation Helen Stevenson, T. Justin Clark and Mary Connor
12. Hysteroscopic management of fibroids Olav Istre and T. Justin Clark
13. Hysteroscopic sterilisation Vinod Kumar, Janesh Kumar Gupta and Michael Gannon
14. Management of congenital uterine and vaginal anomalies Attilio Di Spiezio Sardo, Gloria Calagna, Stefano Angioni and Luigi Nappi
15. Hysteroscopic management of uterine adhesions Tin Chiu Li, Xue Bing Peng and T. Justin Clark
16. Unusual hysteroscopic situations: caesarean niche and retained placental tissue Lucet van der Voet, Sebastian Veersema, Benedictus Schoot and Judith Huirne
17. Audit, data collection and clinical governance in hysteroscopy Sameer Umranikar and Mary Connor
18. Training in hysteroscopic skills Madeleine Macdonald and Mary Connor
19. Research and new developments in hysteroscopy Paul Smith and T Justin Clark
This expert guide will help readers learn about the role of hysteroscopy in the management of a range of common and less common gynaecological problems. In particular, the book covers the diagnosis and treatment of endometrial and uterine anatomical abnormalities that are associated with abnormal uterine bleeding and impairment of reproduction. Contemporary hysteroscopic techniques are described allowing the reader to understand how to perform both inpatient and outpatient procedures. Based on the annual RCOG/BSGE Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy training course, this comprehensive guide covers fundamental topics such as equipment, energy modalities and operative set up. The book also explores innovative ambulatory surgery and hysteroscopic interventions in an operating theatre environment. Written by international experts in hysteroscopy and including sections on training in, and monitoring of clinical practice, this guide proves an ideal companion for health care professionals looking to provide best clinical practice and optimal patient experience.
• Provides readers with a clear presentation of basic anatomy, and the underlying techniques for successful hysteroscopy
• Offers a topical and practical exploration of the role of hysteroscopy, in the management of challenging clinical situations, by international experts
• Supplies up-to-date descriptions of hysteroscopic surgical procedures to cover all aspects of current operative hysteroscopy
• Considers training issues, as well as research and future developments for suggestions in monitoring and optimizing clinical practice
• Mary Connor, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield
Mary E. Connor FRCOG is Consultant Gynaecologist at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield and organizer of the RCOG/BSGE Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy Course.
• Justin Clark, Birmingham Women’s Hospital
T. Justin Clark M.D. (Hons), FRCOG is Consultant Gynaecologist at the Birmingham Women's and Children's Hospital and Honorary Professor of Gynaecology at the University of Birmingham.