118,55 €Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Methods (1)
Chapter 3: Methods (2)
Chapter 4: Results (1)
Chapter 5: Results (2)
Chapter 6: Discussion
Chapter 7: Future prospects.
The new and updated edition of this book explains the key steps in planning and executing diagnostic test accuracy studies in dementia, serving as an introduction to the topic with clear explanations of difficulties and pitfalls. It has been fully revised in light of developments over the past 5 years and includes STARD publications which have appeared since the first edition as well as the use of biomarkers of cognitive disorders as increasingly enshrined in diagnostic criteria.
The book covers the presentation of study results in terms of measures of discrimination, taking examples from studies in dementia looking at various diagnostic methods including cognitive instruments, neuroimaging, and biochemical studies. The book continues to reflect the author’s own experience in diagnostic test accuracy studies, particularly in the sphere of cognitive screening instruments..
Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies in Dementia encourages clinicians to adopt a pragmatic approach to diagnostic test accuracy studies rooted in day-to-day clinical practice.
• Practical text for clinicians involved in patient assessment for dementia diagnosis
• Explains in a step-by-step manner how to plan, execute, analyse and report a diagnostic test accuracy study in patients with possible cognitive impairment
• Explains how to select study participants and operationalise test administration
• Covers the rudiments of statistics required for study analysis
A. J. Larner MA MD MRCP(UK) DHMSA PhD is a Consultant Neurologist at the Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Liverpool.