128,43 €Introduction
EQUIPMENT: Digitalization of restorative dentistry
Computer aided design in restorative dentistry
Fabrication of dental restorations using digital technologies: techniques and materials. CLINICAL PROCEDURES: 3D-printed removable partial dentures
Digital Removable complete dentures
Fixed Restorations in Digital Dentistry
CAD-CAM fFixed Dental Prosthesis
Digital implant surgery
Digital implant prosthodontics
Digital technology endodontics.
This book offers up-to-date, readily understandable guidance on the materials and equipment employed in digital restorative dentistry and on the specific clinical procedures that may be performed using the new technologies. The key components of digital restorative dentistry – image acquisition, prosthetic/restorative design, and fabrication – are fully addressed. Readers will find helpful information on scanners, the software for prosthetic design, and the materials and technologies for prosthesis fabrication, including laser sintering, 3D printing, CAD/CAM, and laser ablation. The section on clinical procedures explains all aspects of the use of digital technologies in the treatment of patients requiring removable partial dentures, complete dentures, fixed partial prostheses, crowns, endodontics, and implant surgery and prosthodontics. The field of restorative and prosthetic dentistry is undergoing rapid transition as these new technologies come to play an increasingly central role in everyday dental practice. In bridging the knowledge gap that this technological revolution has created in the field of dentistry, the book will satisfy the needs of both dentists and dental students.
• Offers clear guidance on the materials and equipment employed in digital restorative dentistry
• Describes the clinical procedures that may be performed using the new digital technologies
• Bridges the knowledge gap created by the technological revolution in the field of dentistry
• Faleh Tamimi Marino, BDS, PhD, is Associate Professor (Tenured), Faculty of Dentistry, Division of Restorative Dentistry, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Dr. Tamimi’s clinical work has focused especially on removable prosthodontics and implant prosthodontics. He has a wide range of research interests that include biomaterials, translational research, restorative dentistry, dental implantology, bone regeneration, biomechanics, and bioceramics. He has been principal investigator for a series of very productive multidisciplinary projects involving clinicians and basic scientists from a wide range of backgrounds. Dr. Tamimi is an executive member of two of the most influential and important dental research organizations in Canada, the Network for Oral and Bone Health Research (RSBO) and the Canadian Dental Research Association (CADR). He has acted as a reviewer for numerous journals and has to date published 80 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
• Hiroshi Hirayama, DDS, DMD, MS, is Clinical Professor and Director of the Postdoctorate Prosthodontics program at Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Boston, Mass., USA. Prior to taking up this post in 2016, he was a Professor at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, where his responsibilities included Director of the Graduate and Postgraduate Prosthodontics program and the Advanced Dental Technology and Research program. Dr. Hirayama is a Fellow of the Academy of Prosthodontics, the American College of Prosthodontists, and the American Academy of Dental Science. He has served on numerous professional committees and has received various honors and awards, including the 2016 Garver-Staffanou Prosthodontic Program Director's Award for Excellence from the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics. He is the author of more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals.