114,95 €Foreword
• Part I: Epidemiology and Pathophysiology of Neurogenic Bladders
1. Epidemiology of Neurogenic Bladder
2. Pathophysiology of Detrusor Overactivity
3. Pathophysiology of Detrusor Underactivity/Acontractile Detrusor
4. Pathophysiology of the Low Compliant Bladder
5. Pathophysiology and Prevalence of Detrusor-Sphincter Dyssynergia
6. Pathophysiology of Autonomic Dysreflexia
7. Pathophysiology of Spinal Shock
• Part II: Neurologic Pathologies Responsible for the Development of the Neurogenic Bladder
Section A: Peripheral Neuropathies
8. Systemic Illnesses (Diabetes Mellitus, Sarcoidosis, Alcoholism, and Porphyrias)
9. Peripheral Neuropathies of the Lower Urinary Tract Following Pelvic Surgery and Radiation Therapy
Section B: Hereditary and Degenerative Diseases
10. Dementia and Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction
11. Pathologies of the Basal Ganglia, Such As Parkinson’s and Huntington’s Diseases
Section C: Demyelinating Neuropathies
12. Multiple Sclerosis, Transverse Myelitis, Tropical Spastic Paraparesis, Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy, Lyme Disease
Section D: Vascular Pathologies and Tumors of the Brain Presents
13. Cerebrovascular Accidents, Intracranial Tumors, and Voiding Dysfunction
Section E: Disk Prolapse and Tumors of the Spinal Cord
14. Tumors of the Spine, Intervertebral Disk Prolapse, the Cauda Equina Syndrome
15. Tethered Cord Syndrome
Section F: Traumatic Injuries of the Central Nervous System
16. Spinal Cord Injury and Cerebral Trauma
Section G: Other Neurologic Pathologies Responsible for Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction
17. Cerebral Palsy, Cerebellar Ataxia, Aids, Phacomatosis, Neuromuscular Disorders, and Epilepsy
18. Syringomyelia and Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction
• Part III: Evaluation of Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction
19. Considerations for the Focused Neuro-Urologic History and Physical Exam
20. Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Neurogenic Bladder
21. Endoscopic Evaluation of Neurogenic Bladder
22. Evaluation of Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction: Urodynamics
23. Electrophysiologic Evaluation: Basic Principles and Clinical Applications
24. Neuroimaging in the Evaluation of Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction
25. Practical Guide to Diagnosis and Follow-Up of Patients With Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction
• Part IV: Classification
26. Classification of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction
• Part V: Treatment
Section A: Non-Surgical
27. Conservative Treatment
28. Systemic, Intrathecal, and Intravesical Pharmacologic Treatment of Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction
29. Management of Autonomic Dysreflexia
30. Peripheral and Intravesical Electrical Stimulation of the Bladder to Restore Bladder Function
Section B: Surgical
31. Surgery to Improve Reservoir Function
32. Surgery to Improve Bladder Outlet Function
33. Urinary Diversion
34. Transappendicular Continent Cystostomy Technique (Mitrofanoff Principle)
35. Tissue Engineering and Cell Therapies for Neurogenic Bladder Augmentation and Urinary Continence Restoration
36. Neuroprotection and Repair After Spinal Cord Injury
37. Neural Rerouting in Patients With Spinal
Cord Injury
• Part VI: Synthesis of Treatment
38. An Overview of Treatment Alternatives for Different Types of Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction in Adults
• Part VII: Complications
39. Complications Related to Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction I: Infection, Lithiasis, and Neoplasia
40. Complications Related to Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction Ii: Upper Urinary Tract
41. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Men With Neurogenic Bladder
• Part VIII: Sexual Dysfunction and Reproduction in Neurologic Disorders
42. Pathophysiology of Male Sexual Dysfunction After Spinal Cord Injury
43. Treatment Modalities for Erectile Dysfunction in Neurologic Patients
44. Fertility Issues in Men With Spinal Cord Injury
45. Pregnancy in Spinal Cord Injury
• Part IX: Prognosis and Follow-Up
46. Prognosis of Neurogenic Bladders
• Part X: Neurogenic Bladders in Developing Country
47. Challenges of Management of Neurogenic Bladder in Developing World
• Part XI: References for Reports and Guidelines
48. Reports and Guidelines in Relation to Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction: A Selection
This book summarises the entire field of adult neuro-urology in a concise, well-illustrated, and practical style.
Contents include epidemiology, lower urinary tract anatomy and physiology. This is followed by coverage of the pathophysiology of various types of voiding dysfunctions and a clinical section focusing on practical evaluation and treatment. A range of treatments from behavioral, pharmacological, intra vesical, tissue engineering and surgical are explained and reviewed. Other topics such as complications, sexual function, fertility, maternity aspects, and prognostic factors round off the book.
*Each topic is covered in detail and well illustrated.
*The reader will gain a full understanding of every aspect of adult neuro-urology.
*Facilitates improved clinical knowledge and practice.
Provides an essential and complete reference tool for students and established urologists, neurologists, physiotherapists and nurses, and technicians involved in the care of patients with neurogenic bladder dysfunction.