188,10 €Thoroughly updated with three new chapters, Foundations of Aural Rehabilitation: Children, Adults, and Their Family Members, Sixth Edition introduces the fundamentals of audiologic rehabilitation and hearing-related speech-language pathology in an easy-to-read, concise resource for the field of communication sciences and disorders. The text offers creative coverage of theory, clinical practice, and research-based approaches for identifying, diagnosing, and treating hearing-related communication disorders in children and adults. The book includes case studies, and general demographic, medical, and pop-cultural trends are considered in parallel with corresponding developments in aural rehabilitation.
The text is separated into three sections for the most comprehensive coverage of each topic: Part 1 describes the components of an aural rehabilitation plan, Part 2 concerns adults and their family members, and Part 3 concerns children and their parents. Important topics throughout include patient-centered services, counseling, diagnostics, selection and fitting of listening devices, conversational fluency and communication strategies training, auditory training, speechreading, language and speech acquisition, and literacy.
New to the Sixth Edition
• Reorganization of chapters combine shared themes and streamline learning:
• Audiological Examination and Listening Devices chapters have been combined into Chapter 2
• Assessing Conversational Fluency and Communication chapters are now combined into Chapter 6
• New chapters on:
• Auditory training for children, with detailed guidance for developing training objectives and activities (Chapter 13)
• Language development and language therapy (Chapter 14)
• Speech and literacy acquisition, along with practical examples of lessons (Chapter 15)
• Inclusion or expansion of special topics, including auditory processing disorder, hidden hearing loss, unilateral hearing loss, and cultural competency
• Improved and expanded number of figures that illustrate and illuminate key concepts and ideas
Key Features
• Focus on evidence-based approaches to aural rehabilitation
• Written in an engaging and clear style
• Chapters begin with Chapter Outlines and end with Key Chapter Points and Terms and Concepts to Remember
• Case studies in each chapter
• Numerous illustrations, tables, sidebars, and text boxes enrich the presentation of concepts
• Bolded key terms throughout with definitions in the margins and a comprehensive glossary make for easy review
• Chapter Key Resources and Appendices provide tools that can be used in clinical practice