617,50 €Chapter 1: Fundamentals
Chapter 2: Philosophy and Strategy
Chapter 3: Consultation, Preoperative Evaluation, and Practice Essentials
Chapter 4: Hair Loss Diseases
Chapter 5: Medical Therapy and Other Nonsurgical Treatments
Chapter 6: Operative Setup and Surgical Time Flow
Chapter 7: Hairline Design
Chapter 8: Anesthesia
Chapter 9: Recipient Site Creation
Chapter 10: Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) Harvesting
Chapter 11: Linear Strip Excision (LSE) Harvesting
Chapter 12: Graft Preservation, Preparation, and Implantation by Emina Vance, MD
Chapter 13: Postoperative Care and Management of Complications
700 pages with approximately 1,100 color photos and illustrations. Includes 115 videos with 16 hours of operative video. Available July 2023.
Coming Soon! An Essential Resource for Any Surgeon Learning the Craft of Hair Surgery! Add This Amazing Educational Resource to Your Library Today!
By Samuel M. Lam, MD, FACS, FISHRS
In Hair Transplant 101, master surgeon and educator Dr. Sam Lam provides the reader a comprehensive guide to understanding the craft of hair surgery, sharing essential expert tips developed over a career of more than 20 years as a facial plastic and hair restoration surgeon.
This indispensable resource describes hairline design, anesthesia, follicular unit excision (FUE) and linear strip excision (LSE) harvesting, recipient site creation, instrumentation, consultation, up-close hair analyses and evaluations, and botulinum toxin for pain therapy. This book incorporates an extensive video library of 115 videos with 16 hours of edited footage, covering almost every facet critical for a surgeon developing a hair restoration practice.
The videos and other adjunctive materials are accessible through QR codes in the margins of the book, allowing the reader to easily navigate the content. Throughout the book are beautiful illustrations and photographs, which aid in demonstrating key anatomical structures and surgical techniques. This book also includes a chapter by world-renowned educator Emina Vance, MD, which provides new insights and an entirely new approach for surgeons who supervise assistants.
700 pages and 115 videos with 16 hours of operative video!