152,19 €The first comprehensive reference in this important area of pediatric orthopaedics, Hip Preservation Surgery in Children and Adolescents, provides authoritative, highly illustrated guidance. Dr. Young-Jo Kim and his team at Boston Children’s Hospital are pioneers in the development of hip preservation techniques in children and adolescents with hip abnormalities and hip pain. This outstanding author team provides the information you need to avoid both osteoarthritis and hip replacement in this vulnerable patient population.
• Provides thorough guidance on diagnosis and treatment of infant hip dysplasia, including bony surgical procedures on the pelvis and acetabulum.
• Discusses adolescent femoroacetabular impingement and treatment to reduce hip pain and cartilage injury.
• Covers novel surgical techniques developed to improve bony abnormalities that can lead to hip osteoarthritis.
• Includes procedural videos from one of the world’s leading pediatric orthopaedic departments at Boston Children’s Hospital.
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