108,67 €General part: Introduction
The role of multidisciplinary team in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of interstitial lung disease
Pneumological basic in differential diagnosis of interstitial lung disease
Radiological anatomy of the lung
HRCT patterns
Cases: Low attenuation patterns
Linear opacities
High attenuation patterns.
With the aid of a series of instructive case studies, this book presents the characteristic high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) findings seen in the group of disorders referred to as interstitial lung disease. The first, introductory part of the book explains the role of the multidisciplinary team in diagnosis and differential diagnosis and discusses basic pulmonary differential diagnosis, radiologic anatomy, and HRCT patterns. The second part is organized according to the four dominant types of HRCT pattern encountered in interstitial lung disease: low attenuation, linear opacities, nodular, and high attenuation. Within this classification, each disorder is introduced using a specific case, with detailed information on patient history, course of the illness, and laboratory and pulmonary function tests. HRCT findings are then presented, together with reflections of the multidisciplinary team, comprising a radiologist, a pulmonologist, and a pathologist. At the end of each case, comments are made on differential diagnosis, highlighting the role of HRCT. The book will be of high value for radiologists and pulmonologists at all levels of experience.
• Includes a wealth of HRCT images displaying characteristic patterns in different types of interstitial lung disease
• Presents a series of instructive cases that highlight the role of HRCT within a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis
• Equips radiologists and pulmonologists with helpful guidance on differential diagnosis