142,50 €Illustrated Flora of Morocco is the first nearly complete photo-flora of a north African country. It contains: - Introductory chapters to vegetation, flora, and endemism in Morocco. - A complete inventory of all vascular plant species, autochthonous or naturalized. Where it might be of general interest, also subspecies have been included. -7150 illustrations, most of them colour photos of living plants, including many detail photos in the case of „difficult“ groups (e.g. “grasses” in a broader sense). - Photos of dried vouchers or line drawings in cases where colour photos were not available. Thus, only a marginal rest of very rare or hardly ever collected species has escaped illustration. But these rarities still are described in the text. - A small distribution map for each taxon, which also includes concise information regarding altitudinal distribution, flowering time, live cycle, occurrence in neighbouring countries etc. - Short mention of important diacritical characteristics in cases where determinations by photos might deliver ambiguous results.