116,19 ۥ Part I. Introduction to Motor Development
Chapter 1. Fundamental Concepts
Chapter 2. Theoretical Perspectives in Motor Development
Chapter 3. Principles of Motion and Stability
• Part II. Development of Motor Skills Across the Life Span
Chapter 4. Early Motor Development
Chapter 5. Development of Human Locomotion
Chapter 6. Development of Ballistic Skills
Chapter 7. Development of Manipulative Skills
• Part III. Physical Growth and Aging
Chapter 8. Physical Growth, Maturation, and Aging
Chapter 9. Development and Aging of Body Systems
• Part IV. Development of Physical Fitness
Chapter 10. Development of Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Chapter 11. Development of Strength and Flexibility
Chapter 12. Weight Status, Fitness, and Motor Competence
• Part V. Perceptual-Motor Development
Chapter 13. Sensory-Perceptual Development
Chapter 14. Perception and Action in Development
• Part VI. Functional Constraints in Motor Development
Chapter 15. Social and Cultural Constraints in Motor Development
Chapter 16. Psychosocial Constraints in Motor Development
Chapter 17. Developmental Motor Learning
Chapter 18. Conclusion: Interactions Among Constraints
Appendix. Skinfold, Body Mass Index, and Head Circumference Charts
Life Span Motor Development, Seventh Edition With Web Study Guide, is a leading text for helping students examine and understand how interactions of the developing and maturing individual, the environment, and the task being performed bring about changes in a person’s movements. This model of constraints approach, combined with an unprecedented collection of video clips marking motor development milestones, facilitates an unmatched learning experience for the study of motor development across the life span.
The seventh edition expands the tradition of making the student’s experience with motor development an interactive one. An improved web study guide retains more than 100 video clips to sharpen observation techniques, while incorporating additional interactive questions and lab activities to facilitate critical thinking and hands-on application. The text also contains several updates to keep pace with the changing field:
• Content related to physcial growth and development of the skeletal, muscle, and adipose systems is reorganized chronologically for a more logical progression.
• New material on developmental motor learning demonstrates the overlap between the disciplines of motor development and motor learning.
• New insights into motor competence help explain the relationship between skill development and physical fitness.
The text helps students understand how maturational age and chronological age are distinct and how functional constraints affect motor skill development and learning. It shows how the four components of physical fitness—cardiorespiratory endurance, strength, flexibility, and body composition—interact to affect a person’s movements over the life span, and describes how relevant social, cultural, psychosocial, and cognitive influences can affect a person’s movements. This edition comes with 148 illustrations, 60 photos, and 25 tables—all in full color—to help explain concepts and to make the text more engaging for students. It also retains helpful learning aids including chapter objectives, a running glossary, key points, sidebars, and application questions throughout each chapter.
The enhancements to the seventh edition don’t end with revised content in the text. Instructors adopting the text for use in their course will find an updated ancillary package. The authors have revised the test package, and the instructor guide now includes feedback and answers to lab questions and “Test Your Knowledge” questions that appear throughout the book. In addition, the video clips that students view through the web study guide are available in separate files so they can be uploaded into learning management systems or PowerPoint presentations.
Life Span Motor Development, Seventh Edition, embraces an interactive and practical approach to illustrate the most recent research in motor development. Students will come away with a firm understanding of the concepts and how they apply to real-world situations.
A textbook for undergraduate courses on motor development. Also a reference for researchers in motor behavior and motor development as well as practitioners in physical and occupational therapy, physical education, and rehabilitation.