82,65 €1 What is Low Vision?
2 Prevalence and Causes of Low Vision
3 Clinical Measures of Visual Performance
4 Patient Centred Outcome Measures
5 Magnification
6 Increasing Object Size
7 Decreasing Viewing Distance
8 Transverse Magnification
9 Angular Magnification
10 Contrast and Glare
11 Illumination and Lighting
12 Aids for Peripheral Field Loss
13 Special Training Techniques for Visual Field Loss
14 Rehabilitation Techniques for Nystagmus
15 Sensory Substitution
16 Inclusive and Universal Design
17 The Low Vision Assessment
18 The Eye Examination
19 Prescribing Magnification
20 Training Patients in the Use of Magnifiers
21 Evaluating Low Vision Services
22 The Place of Low Vision in Optometric Practice
23 Useful Information
23 New Chapter
1. Useful Information
2. Sample Record Sheets
2. Derivation of Formulae
3. In-Practice Procedures for Measuring LVAs
3. Patient Literature
4. Example letters and reports
Providing an ideal balance of theory and practice, Low Vision: Principles and Management covers all aspects of providing effective eye care to individuals with visual impairment. This concise yet comprehensive resource covers everything from theoretical background to current rehabilitative aids and low vision treatment strategies-all while adopting a practical approach to vision care. It brings practising eye care professionals and students fully up to date with current optical and electronic devices and how they are used in everyday practice, as well as evidence-based vision rehabilitation guidelines.
• Christine Dickinson, BSc PhD FCOptom PGCertHE, Professor of Clinical Optometry and Lead for Undergraduate Masters, Division of Pharmacy and Optometry, Faculty of Biology Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
• Ana Hernandez Trillo , BSc MSc PhD PGDipMEd SFHEA, Senior Lecturer in Optometry, Division of Pharmacy and Optometry, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
• Michael Crossland, Senior Research Fellow, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, University College of London and Specialist Optometrist, Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK