109,25 ۥ Preface
• Application of Learning Theory in Simulation
• Scenario Design
• Simulation and the Neonatal Resuscitation Program
• Mannequins and Task Trainers
• Simulation for Neonatal Airway Management
• Umbilical Catheter Placement
• Simulation for Infant Lumbar Puncture Training
• Neonatal Thoracentesis and Chest Tube Placement Simulation
• Simulating Neonatal Pericardial Effusion and Cardiac Tamponade
• Neonatal Exchange Transfusion
• Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Simulation
• Extracorporeal Life Support Organization Training and Education
• Simulation-Based Education for Parents and Other Home Caregivers of Infants With Technology Dependence
• Boot Camps
• Simulation in Neonatal Global Health
• Virtual Simulation
• Telesimulation for Neonatal Resuscitation Education and Training
• In Situ Simulation
• In Situ Simulations for Testing New Health Care Environments
• Communication Skills in Neonatal Simulation
• Standardized Patients
• Moulage: The Special Effects
• Simulation Training for Effective Resuscitation Leadership
• Debriefing in Simulation-Based Training in Neonatology: An Outcomes-Based Approach
• Blended-Method Debriefing With the PEARLS Debriefing Framework
• Co-Debriefing in Neonatal Simulation
• The Difficult Debriefing
• Rapid-Cycle Deliberate Practice
• Simulation Operations
• Simulation Research Networks
• Simulation-Based Research in Neonatology
• History of Neonatal Simulation
• Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Developed by the leading experts in neonatal simulation, this innovative new resource delivers neonatology health care providers and educators essential guidance on designing, developing, and implementing simulation-based neonatal education programs.
The early chapters cover learning theory, fundamentals of scenario design, and simulation and the Neonatal Resuscitation Program*. The later chapters cover specific applications of simulation in neonatology and debriefing techniques.
The book walks the reader through scenario design, mannequins and task trainers, moulage, simulation techniques, virtual simulations, mannequin adaptations needed to conduct specific simulation procedures, debriefing methods, and more.
Step-by-step images walk the reader through adapting mannequins to simulate procedures and how to replicate body fluids and conditions commonly encountered in newborns.
With 225 color images, as well as plenty of helpful boxes and tables throughout, the book will be useful to both novice and expert.
• Dr Lamia Soghier, MD, MEd, FAAP is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington DC. She is a board-certified neonatologist and the Medical Unit Director of the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and the NICU Quality and Safety Officer at Children's National Medical Center. She received her medical degree from the University of Alexandria in Egypt and completed her pediatric residency at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania and neonatology fellowship at the Children's Hospital at Montefiore in the Bronx, NY. Dr Soghier is certified by the American Board of Pediatrics in both Pediatrics and Neonatology. She is an active clinician and researcher, has been involved with multiple neonatology publications, and has been the lead editor of the AAP Reference Range Values in Pediatrics since 2012.
Dr Soghier is also the Director of Education at Children's National. She obtained her master's degree in medical education from the George Washington University in 2017. Dr Soghier has a profound interest in medical education for the care of newborns worldwide. She has travelled extensively to promote clinician education as a means of improving the health of newborns. Her research and education focus on application of novel technology in skill acquisition by pediatric trainees. She has spoken both nationally and internationally on medical education and neonatal research.
• Beverley Robin, MD, FAAP, completed her medical training at the Medical College of Wisconsin. She went on to complete her pediatrics residency at Johns Hopkins University Hospital and her neonatology fellowship at the University of Chicago. She is an assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics at Rush University Medical Center and the director of the Rush Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship program. Her research interests include graduate medical education and the use of simulation in health professions education and training.