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Chapter 1. Neurocritical Care : An Overview
• Part I. The Basics and Monitoring
Chapter 2. Metabolism and Cerebral Blood Flow
Chapter 3. Brain edema: Pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment
Chapter 4. Intracranial pressure: invasive methods of monitoring
Chapter 5. Non-Invasive intracranial pressure monitoring
Chapter 6. Brain tissue oxygen monitoring
Chapter 7. Brain microdialysis monitoring
Chapter 8. Jugular Bulb Oxymetry
Chapter 9. Transcranial Doppler: Practical Applications
Chapter 10. Eletroencephalogram in the Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit (When a single EEG is not enough)
Chapter 11. Radiological evaluation of post-operative complications of intracranial surgery
• Part II. General Management
Chapter 12. Management of Intracranial Hypertension
Chapter 13. Neuroprotection in Brain Injury
Chapter 14. Decompressive Craniectomy - Breaking skepticism
Chapter 15. Sedation and Analgesia in Neurocritical Patients
Chapter 16. Hemodynamic Management in the Neurocritical Patient
Chapter 17. Blood Transfusion Strategies in Neurocritical Care
Chapter 18. Ventilatory strategies in the neurocritical care
Chapter 19. Endotracheal intubation, extubation and tracheostomy. How, when and why?
Chapter 20. Infections in Neurocritical Care Units
Chapter 21. Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders in Neurocritical Care
Chapter 22. Basic Aspects of Nutrition in Neurocritical Care
Chapter 23. General principles of neurosurgical postoperative care
Chapter 24. Head Injury
Chapter 25. Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and the First Week After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Chapter 26. Hemorragic Stroke
Chapter 27. Cerebral Hemorrhage and High INR
Chapter 28. Ischemic Stroke
Chapter 29. Emergencies in Neuro- oncology
Chapter 30. Hemorrhage into a Pituitary tumor
Chapter 31. Status Epilepticus
Chapter 32. Systemic (non-neurological) complications in the neurocritical patient
Chapter 33. Acute Spinal Cord Disorders
Chapter 34. General Principles of Awake Neurosurgery
Chapter 35. TBI in Pediatric Patients
• Part III. The Outcomes
Chapter 36. Prognostic Models in Neurocritical Care
Chapter 37. Rehabilitation and palliative care in Neurocritical patients
Chapter 38. Brain Death and management of the potential donor
Chapter 39. New Pespectives

This unique book discusses the management of neurocritical care patients, including basic concepts, pathophysiologic principles, monitoring, treatment indications, and factors that affect outcomes in patients requiring neurocritical care assistance.
It addresses the need to improve continuing education in this area, highlighting patient care in the perioperative period. This is the first book to provide a simplified overview for neurosurgeons and neurologists to understand the neurocritical patient journey. It is divided into three parts: the first covers the basics concepts, from monitoring to the interpretation of exams; the second explores general management of specific situations encountered in intensive care and the last part includes prognostic and rehabilitation models, as well as new perspectives. Thanks to the accessible, neurosurgical specific language, the book is well suited for all professionals involved in neurocritical care, including students, but is also a valuable resource for residents and researches, as well as experienced neurosurgeons or neurologists looking for updated information and guidelines.

• Written in and accessible style using neurosurgery specific language
• Focuses on the immediate postoperative period
• Provides practical guidance on dealing with neurocritical care patients

• Eberval Gadelha Figueiredo, MD, PhD, completed a fellowship in microsurgery at the Barrow Neurological Institute (USA). He holds a Ph.D. in Sciences and is an Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of São Paulo (USP), as well as Head of the Vascular Neurosurgery Group, Division of Neurological surgery (HCFMUSP). He has been Postgraduate Coordinator at the University of Sao Paulo’s Department of Neurology since 2015, and Chief Editor of Brazilian Neurosurgery, the official Brazilian neurosurgery journal since 2011. He is the president of Brazilian Neurosurgical Society (2021-2022) and associate member of Harvard Medical School and Harvard University Alumni since 2015.
• Leonardo C. Welling MD, Ph.D., is a Neurosurgeon and member of the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery. He has a postgraduate qualification in neurointensive care at Sirio Libanês Hospital (São Paulo) and completed a fellowship in microneuroanatomy at the Portuguese Beneficence Hospital (São Paulo). He holds a doctorate in Medical Sciences from the School of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FM-USP) and completed the same university's postdoctorate neurology program. He is a member of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (USA) and a Professor of Neurosurgery at the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG).
• Nícollas Nunes Rabelo, MD, is a Neurosurgeon and member of the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery. He has a postgraduate qualification in neurointensive medicine from the Sirio Libanês Hospital and completed a fellowship in Vascular and Skull Base Neurosurgery at the University of São Paulo (HCFMUSP). He has a PhD in progress in Neurosciences and is an adjunct researcher from the School of Medicine of the University of São Paulo. He is also Professor of Atenas Medical School of Passos and Education and Research consultant in in Neurosurgery.