63,23 €1. Thyroid Graves Disease
2. Prostate Cancer
3. Brain Death
5. Biliary Leak
6. Delayed Solid Gastric Emptying
7. Osteomyelitis
8. Thyroid Nodule
9. Insufficiency Fracture
10. Acute Cholecystitis
11. Colon Cancer
12. Osteosarcoma
13. Cold Nodule
14. Brown fat
15. High Grade Obstruction
16. GI Bleed
17. Pagets Disease
18. Lymphoma
19. Chronic Cholecystitis
20. Lung Cancer
21. Flood Images
22. Superscan
23. Myocardial Ischemia
24. Adenoma
25. Toxic Adenoma
26. Colon Uptake
27. Metformin
28. Radioactive Decay
29. Acute Pyelonephritis
30. Meckels
31. Vesiculoureteral Reflux
32. GCSF Post Therapy Scan
33. Star Effect
34. Biliary Atresia
35. Horseshoe Kidney
36. Head and Neck Cancer
37. Pulmonary Embolism
38. Multinodular Goiter
39. Carcinoid
40. Lytic Lesion
41. Reflux
42. Leak
43. Pheochromocytoma
44. Non AC
45. Shin Splints
46. Poor Preparation
47. Hot Spots
48. Mediastinal Parathryoid Adenoma
49. Status Post MUGA
50. Thyroiditis
51. Right to Left Shunt
52. Pituitary Adenoma
53. Lymphantic Obstruction
54. Jejunal Bleed
55. Vocal Cord Paralysis
56. Endometrial Cancer
57. Scarring
58. NPH
59. Therapy
60. Vasculitis
61. Lipomatous Hypertrophy of the interatrial Septum
62. Vertebral Osteomyelitis
63. Thyroid Lingual
64. Liver Metastases
65. Thymic Hyperplasia
66. Melanoma
67. Parkinson's Syndromes
68. Osteoid Osteoma
69. Bronchogenic Carcinoid
70. Myocardial Infarction
71. QC
72. Lung Metastases
73. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
74. CNS lymphoma
75. Subacute Thyroiditis
76. Breastfeeding
77. Thyroid Lymphoma
78. Alzheimer's Disease
79. Breast Cancer
80. Free Pertechnetate
81. Cerebellar Diaschisis
82. Splenosis
83. Bars
84. Viability
85. Sarcoid
86. Pancreas Cancer
87. Warthin Tumpr
88. Sternal Lesion Breast Cancer
89. Adrenal Metastases
90. Gastric Cancer
91. Osteomyelitis
92. VPS
93. Enchondroma
94. Thyroid Probe
95. Generator
96. TB
97. Hemangioma
98. Cervical Cancer
99. Amyloid
100. Retroperitoneal Fibrosis
101. Amyloid
102. Colitis
103. Frontotemporal dementia (FTD)
104. Breast Cancer
105. Elastofibroma Dorsi
106. Polyostotic Fibrous Dysplasia
107. Craniopharyngioma
108. Metastatic Pheochromocytoma
109. Thyroid Cancer
110. NaF
111. Cardiac Sarcoid
112. Ewings Sarcoma
113. Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism
114. Cortical Dysplasia
115. FNH
116. Endocarditis
117. Neurofibromatosis
118. Carcinoid, Ga68 DOTATATE
119. Prostate Abscess
120. Metastatic Pulmonary Calcifications
121. Hepatobronchial Fistula
122. Fat Necrosis
123. Neuroblastoma
124. Encephalitis
125. PTLD
126. Epitrochlear Node
127. Hamartoma
128. Meningioma
129. FACBC
130. Erdheim Chester
131. Transverse Myelitis
132. Hernia Plug
133. Kartageners Syndrome
134. Sinonasal Lymphoma
135. Renal sestamibi
136. Renal Cyst
137. Gastric Carcinoid
138. Multiple Sclerosis
139. Lumboperitoneal Shunt Patency Evaluation
140. Laminar Necrosis
141. Ulcerative Colitis
142. Seizures
143. Bronchopleural Fistulas
144. Otitis Media
145. Renal En bloc
146. Septic Joint
147. Spill
148. Transportation
149. PSMA
Stay on top of recent, significant changes in the areas of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging with this updated and expanded volume in the popular Case Review Series. Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 3rd Edition offers highly illustrated, case-based preparation for board review to help residents and recertifying radiologists succeed on exams and provide state-of-the-art patient care.
• Lilja B Solnes, MD, MBA, Assistant Professor of Radiology, Associate Program Director, Nuclear Medicine Residence, Johns Hopkins Medicine Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland.
• Harvey A. Ziessman, MD, Professor of Radiology, Director of Nuclear Medicine Imaging, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA