151,05 €Volume 1
• Section 1: Applied physiology in anaesthesia
1: Cardiac and vascular physiology in anaesthetic practice, Kulraj S. Sidhu, Mfonobong Essiet, Maxime Cannesson
2: Respiratory physiology in anaesthetic practice, Andrew Lumb and Natalie Drury
3: Fluid and electrolyte physiology in anaesthetic practice, Robert Hahn
4: Gastrointestinal physiology in anaesthetic practice, Mark Bellamy and Joanna K Gordon
5: Kidney and acid-base physiology in anaesthetic practice, Kwok Ho
6: Central nervous system physiology in anaesthetic practice, A Absalom and Ram Adapa
7: Neuromuscular physiology in anaesthetic practice, Philip Hopkins
8: Neuroendocrine physiology in anaesthetic practice, Graine Nicholdon and George Hall
9: Pain physiology in anaesthetic practice, Lesley Colvin and Marie Fallon
10: Immune system physiology in anaesthetic practice, Helen F Galley and Heather Wilson
11: The physiology of blood in anaesthetic practice, Hanane El Kenz and Phillipe van der Linden
• Section 2: Applied pharmacology in anaesthesia
12: Drug distribution and elimination in anaesthetic practice, Eveline van Dorp, Douglas Eleveld, Erik Olofsson, Jaap Vuyk
13: Mechanisms and determinants of anaesthetic drug action, David Lambert
14: Inhaled anaesthetics, Jan Hendriks, Andre Van Zundert & Andre De Wolf
15: Intravenous anaesthetics, A Absalom & J Sear
16: Neuromuscular blockade and reversal, Jennifer M Hunter & Thomas Fuchs-Buder
17: Local anaesthetic agents, Malachy O Columb
18: Analgesics in anaesthetic practice, John Williams and Francis Bonnet
19: Cardiovascular drugs in anaesthetic practice, Lothar A. Schwarte, Stephan A. Loer, J.K. Götz Wietasch, Thomas W.L. Scheeren
20: Intravenous fluids in anaesthetic practice, Robert G Hahn
21: Drug interactions in anaesthetic practice, Klaus T Olkkola, Hugo EM Vereecke, and Martin Luginbuehl
22: Adverse drug reactions in anaesthesia, Phil Hopkins
• Section 3: Physics, measurement, equipment and hazards
23: Physics in anaesthesia, Patrick Magee & Mark Tooley
24: Equipment in anaesthesia, Antony R. Wilkes
25: Measurement and monitoring in anaesthesia, Patrick Magee & Mark Tooley
26: Assessment of the components of anaesthesia, Martin Luginbühl & Arvi Yli-Hankala
• Section 4: Statistics, mathematics, and evidence-based medicine
27: Mathematical models and anaesthesia, Steven Cruikshank
28: Presentation and handling of data, descriptive and inferential statistics, Peter Alexander and Malachy O. Columb
29: Evidence-based medicine in anaesthesia, Ann Merete Møller
30: Clinical trial designs in anaesthesia, Simon Howell
• Section 5: The practice of anaesthesia
31: The history of anaesthesia, Alistair G McKenzie
32: The roles and responsibilities of the anaesthetist, Hans Knape
33: Ethics, consent, benefit, and risk in anaesthetic practice, Stuart White
34: Informatics and technology for anaesthesia, Anthony P. Madden
35: Human factors and simulation in anaesthetic practice, Ronnie Glavin, Sven Staender, and Andrew Smith
36: Safety and quality assurance in anaesthesia, Andrew Smith & Sven Staender
37: Teaching in anaesthesia, Hiu Lam and Rob Sneyd
38: Research in anaesthesia, Gary Minto and J. Robert Sneyd
39: Outcomes of anaesthesia, Simon A. Ash and Donal J. Buggy
• Section 6: Management of anaesthesia
41: Pre-operative assessment and optimisation, Felix van Lier and Robert Jan Stolker
42: Choice and interpretation of pre-operative investigations, Robert Jan Stolker and Felix van Lier
43: Management of anaesthesia, Iain Moppett
44: Intra-operative monitoring, Patrick Magee and Mark Tooley
45: Hazards in anaesthetic practice: general considerations, injury and drugs, Alan F. Merry, Simon J. Mitchell and Jonathan G. Hardman
46: Hazards in anaesthetic practice: body systems and occupational hazards, Alan F. Merry, Simon J. Mitchell and Jonathan G. Hardman
47: Post-surgical analgesia and acute pain management, Francis Bonnet, Marc Gentili and Christophe Aveline
48: Post-surgery, and post-anaesthesia complications, Maurizio Cecconi, Andrew Toner and Mark Hamilton
Volume 2
• Section 7: Procedures, techniques, and therapies
49: The airway in anaesthetic practice, Chris Frerk & T Asai
50: Vascular access during anaesthesia, Andrew Bodenham
51: Conscious sedation, Hans J Knape
52: Blood conservation and transfusion in anaesthesia, Dafydd Thomas
• Section 8: Regional anaesthesia
53: General principles of regional anaesthesia, Andy Berrill & Pawan Gupta
54: Regional anaesthesia of the trunk, Andrew Berrill, Will Jones, David Pegg
55: Regional anaesthesia of the upper limb, Colin McCartney and Alan Macfarlane
56: Regional anaesthesia of the lower limb, Pawan Gupta & Anurag Vats
• Section 9: The conduct of anaesthesia by surgical specialty
57: Anaesthesia for cardiac surgery, Uwe Schirmer & Andreas Koster
58: Anaesthesia for thoracic surgery, Andy Roscoe & Peter Slinger
59: Anaesthesia for vascular surgery, JP Thompson
60: Anaesthesia for neurosurgery and electroconvulsive therapy, Markus Klimek, Francisco A. Lobo, Luzius A. Steiner, Cor J. Kalkman
61: Anaesthesia for ophthalmic surgery, Chris Dodds & Chandra Kumar
62: Anaesthesia for abdominal surgery, William Fawcett
63: Anaesthesia for laparoscopic and robotic surgery in urology and gynaecology, Suzanne Odeberg-Wernerman and Margareta Mure
64: Anaesthesia for orthopaedic and trauma surgery, Alex Sell, Paul Bhalla and Sanjay Bajaj
65: Anaesthesia for plastic surgery and burns, Sandip K Pal
66: Anaesthesia for ENT, dental, and maxillofacial surgery, Michael Irwin, Chi Wai Cheung, Gordon Tin Chun Wong
67: Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia, Peter Biro & Marc Van De Velde
68: Anaesthesia for transplant surgery, Mike Ramsey
69: Anaesthesia for day-stay surgery, Jan Jakobsson
• Section 10. Paediatric Anaesthesia
70: Anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology in paediatric anaesthesia, Niall Wilton, Brian J Anderson & Bruno Marciniak
71: Neonatal anaesthesia, Andrew Davidson, Adrian Bosenberg & Stephen Stayer
72: Anaesthesia for the infant and older child, Erin Gottlieb, Tony Moores, Tom Pettigrew, Alyson Walker
73: Procedural sedation in children, Mike Sury
74: Acute paediatric pain management, Tom G Hansen
75: Resuscitation, stabilisation, and transfer of sick and injured children, Ian A Jenkins and David Rowney
76: Ethics, consent, and safeguarding in paediatric anaesthesia, Alistair Cranston, Jillian McFadzean & Rob Wheeler
• Section 11: The conduct of anaesthesia outside the theatre
77: Pre-hospital care for the anaesthetist, Nick Crombie, Boukes Eindhoven and Bert Dercksen
78: Anaesthesia in remote locations, Sebastian Brandt and Hartmut Gehring
79: Military anaesthesia, P Mahoney, E Kirkman, S Watts, K Smyth, Giles Nordmann, Nicholas T Tarmey, Simon J Mercer, Tom Woolley, Dominic Aldington, Simon Turner, Charlotte Small, and Paul Wood
• Section 12: Anaesthesia and concurrent disease
80: Endocrine disease and anaesthesia, Peter Farling & Mike James
81: Musculoskeletal disorders and anaesthesia, Philip Hopkins
82: Central nervous system pathologies and anaesthesia, Mike Nathanson & Steve Gill
83: Pulmonary disease and anaesthesia, Gary Mills
84: Heart disease and anaesthesia, Stefan De Hert & Patrick Wouters
85: Haematological & coagulation disorders and anaesthesia, Herman Hendriks & Joost de Wolf
86: Hepatic & renal disease and anaesthesia, Mark Bellamy & Komal Ray
87: Anaesthesia in the elderly, Chris Dodds & Bernadette Veering
88: Anaesthesia for the obese patient, Frederique Servin & V. Billard
• Section 13: Critical care and the anaesthetist
89: Pre-surgical optimisation of the high-risk patient, AJ Clarkin and NR Webster
90: Acute illness in the post-operative period, Gernot Marx & Michael Fries
91: Transport of the critically ill patient, Laura Flutter, Christoph Melzer-Gartzke, Claudia Spies and J Bion
92: Advanced life support, Jerry Nolan
This definitive resource from the eminent Oxford Textbooks series, the Oxford Textbook of Anaesthesia addresses the fundamental principles, underpinning sciences and the full spectrum of clinical practice. It brings together the most pertinent research from on-going scientific endeavours with practical guidance and a passion to provide the very best clinical care to patients.
This comprehensive work covers all aspects of anaesthesia; volume one addresses the fundamental principles and the basic sciences whose understanding is required for a logical, effective and evidence-based approach to practice. Volume two focuses on the clinical aspects of anaesthesia, including those aspects of intensive care and pain medicine that are required by all general anaesthetists as well as sections dedicated to procedures, surgical specialities, paediatrics, the conduct of anaesthesia outside the theatre, and concurrent disease.
In 91 finely crafted and highly illustrated chapters, experts in anaesthesia review the supporting evidence and key techniques for the clinical management of specific conditions and patient groups. International contributors share their research and extensive experience to provide a wealth of practical advice for use in clinical situations in a global context.
This essential reference tool supports all anaesthetists seeking an up-to-date and trustworthy account of all aspects of anaesthesia, ideal for reference, study and revision. It will be an indispensable guide to anaesthetists of all grades and subspecialty interest.
• Now in paperback, a definitive resource in anaesthesia from the eminent Oxford Textbooksseries
• 91 chapters address key techniques and procedures, the full spectrum of sub-specialties as well as concurrent diseases and patient groups
• Each chapter provides trustworthy evidence and a wealth of practical advice for clinical situations
• Contains over 500 highly illustrated images to aid learning
• Authored by international experts in the field, presenting a fresh global insight and coverage of the speciality
• Ideal for reference, study and revision
• Jonathan G Hardman, Professor, Anaesthetics and Critical Care, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham; Consultant Anaesthetist, Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK.
• Philip M Hopkins, Professor of Anaesthesia, University of Leeds; Honorary Consultant Anaesthetist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, St James's University Hospital, Leeds, UK.
• Michel M.R.F Struys, Professor and Chair, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands; Professor in Anaesthesia, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium