113,62 €Written by experts in the field, Patellar Instability and Dislocation: Classification and Operative Techniques is a comprehensive, authoritative review of the procedures used to address this challenging condition. Includes step-by-step procedures, both in print and on video, to guide you through today's most effective approaches to stabilization and reconstruction, trochleoplasty, limb realignment osteotomy, and much more.
• Provides an overview of treatments based on classifications of patellar instability, including anatomical, biomechanical, and surgical considerations.
• Features procedures for proximal realignment and distal realignment; trochleoplasty techniques; chondral and osteochondral lesions with patellar instability; techniques to address patellar instability in skeletally immature patients; limb realignment osteotomies and patellar instability; and how to address complications.
• Offers expert coverage of each procedure both in print and video format.
• Includes discussions of surgical anatomy, indications and contraindications, evaluation, surgical management, pearls and pitfalls, preoperative and postoperative protocols, and outcomes.
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