82,00 €Unit 1: Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
Unit 2: Obstetric Hemorrhage
Unit 3: Perinatal Infections
Unit 4: Various High-risk Conditions
Unit 5: Abnormal Glucose Tolerance
Unit 6: Premature Rupture or Infection of the Amniotic Membranes Skill Unit: Sterile Speculum Examination Tests With Suspected or Proven Rupture of Membranes
Unit 7: Preterm Labor
Unit 8: Inducing and Augmenting Labor
Unit 9: Abnormal Labor Progress and Difficult Deliveries
Unit 10: Imminent Delivery and Preparation for Maternal/Fetal Transport
This popular resource features step-by-step skill instruction, and practice-focused exercises covering maternal and fetal evaluaton and immediate newborn care.
The PCEP workbooks feature leading-edge procedures and techniques, and are filled with clear explanations, step-by-step skill instruction, and practice-focused exercises.
Book II features 10 units containing information and skills essential for recognition and initial management of high-risk and sick pregnant women and their fetuses.