246,99 €Enhancing the Utility of Preclinical Research in Neuropsychiatry Drug Development
Qualitative vs. Quantitative Methods in Psychiatric Research: Updated
Animal Models of Self-Injurious Behavior: An Update
Bipolar Disorder: Its Etiology and How to Model in Rodents
Recent Updates in Modeling Risky Decision Making in Rodents
The Pemoline Model of Self-Injurious Behavior: An Update
Rodent Models of Adaptive Value Learning and Decision Making
The Visually-Mediated Social Preference Test: A Novel Technique to Measure Social Behavior and Behavioral Disturbances in Zebrafish
Animal Models of Intoxication by Metal Elements: A Focus on Neurobehavioral Injuries
Animal Models of Early-Life Adversity
Nicotine Self-Administration as Paradigm for Medication Discovery for Smoking Cessation: Recent Findings in Medications Targeting the Cholinergic System
The Human Laboratory and Drug Development in Alcohol Use Disorder: Recent Updates
Rodent Models of Methamphetamine Misuse: Mechanisms of Methamphetamine Action and Comparison of Different Rodent Paradigms
Recent Updates in Animal Models of Nicotine Withdrawal: Intracranial Self-Stimulation and Somatic Signs
Methods for Evaluating the Interaction between Social Stress and Environmental Enrichment in Animal Models of Nicotine Addiction
An Animal Model of Alcohol Binge Drinking: Chronic-Intermittent Ethanol Administration in Rodents
Animal Models of Eating Disorders
Protocols Using Rodents to Model Eating Disorders in Humans
Updates in PTSD Animal Models Characterization
Overview on Emotional Behavioral Testing in Rodent Models of Pediatric Epilepsy
Neurological Exam in Rats following Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury
Y Shaped Maze to Test Spontaneous Object Recognition and Temporal Order Memory after Traumatic Brain Injury
An Animal Model to Test Reversal of Cognitive Decline Associated with Beta Amyloid Pathologies
Methods in Emotional Behavioral Testing in Immature Epilepsy Rodent Models
Methods in Electrode Implantation and Wiring for Long-Term Continuous EEG Monitoring in Rodent Models of Epilepsy and Behavioral Disturbances
Behavior Model for Assessing Decline in Executive Function during Aging and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Animal Model for Leigh Syndrome
Peripheral Biomarkers of Inflammation in Depression: Evidence from Animal Models and Clinical Studies
The Contribution of Inflammation to Autism Spectrum Disorders: Recent Clinical Evidence
Interleukin-2 and the Septohippocampal System: An Update on Intrinsic Actions and Autoimmune Processes Relevant to Neuropsychiatric Disorders
The Probiotic Mixture VSL#3 Reverses Olanzapine-Induced Metabolic Dysfunction in Mice
Genetic Studies of Tic Disorders and Tourette’s Syndrome
MeCP2 Dysfunction in Rett Syndrome and Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Behavioral Characterization of MeCP2 Dysfunction-Associated Rett Syndrome and Neuropsychiatric Disorders
The Role of Epigenetics in Addiction: Clinical Overview and Recent Updates
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Techniques in Neuropsychiatric Research
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Assay for Analyzing Transcription Factor Activity at the Level of Peripheral Myelin Gene Promoters
Study of Myelin Genes Expression in the Central Nervous System using Real Time PCR
Enhanced Molecular Appreciation of Psychiatric Disorders through High-Dimensionality Data Acquisition and Analytics.
This second edition volume expands on the previous edition with updates to chapters and new chapters discussing the latest research in neuropsychiatric diseases. The chapters in this book are organized into eleven sections and cover the diversity and utility of animal models of psychiatric disorders, their development, modelling, and pathophysiological and molecular profiles. Part One looks at experimental modeling of neuropsychiatric studies and the usefulness and need of animal models. Parts Two and Three focus on experimental models of neuropsychiatric illnesses, including self-injurious behavior, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and learning and decision-making testing. Parts Four and Five discuss animal models of substance abuse. Part Six describes protocols to examine animal models related to maladaptive eating habits and behaviors. Parts Seven and Eight cover neurodegenerative diseases stemming from natural causes (aging), abnormal genetic backgrounds, or those brought on by trauma. Part Nine talks about inflammatory and metabolic alteration profiles relevant to autism spectrum disorders and depression. Parts Ten and Eleven conclude the book with a discussion on genetics, epigenetics, and system biology in the field of psychiatric disorders. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.
Cutting-edge and thorough, Psychiatric Disorders: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition is a useful resource for graduates, postdoctoral workers, and established scientists working in the fields of behavioral and molecular neuropsychiatric research.
• Includes cutting-edge methods and protocols
• Provides step-by-step detail essential for reproducible results
• Contains key notes and implementation advice from the experts