40,51 €Section 1: The basis of surgical care.Preoperative assessment. Perioperative care. Day surgery. Perioperative stress and anxiety in the surgical patient. Wound healing in the surgical patient . Nutrition and the surgical patient. Altered body image and the surgical patient . Concepts of pain and the surgical patient. Discharge planning following surgery.
Section 2: Nursing care for specific surgical procedures.Patients requiring neurosurgery. Patients requiring ophthalmic surgery. Patients requiring surgery to the ear, nose and throat. Patients requiring thyroid surgery. Care of the patient requiring cardiac interventions and surgery . Care of the patient requiring thoracic surgery. Patients requiring upper gastrointestinal surgery. Patients requiring colorectal and anal surgery. Patients requiring surgery on the renal and urinary tract. Patients requiring surgery on the male reproductive system. Patients requiring gynaecological surgery . Patients requiring breast surgery. Care of patients requiring vascular surgery. Patients requiring orthopaedic surgery. Patients requiring plastic surgery.
• Easy-to-read, easy-to-understand approach.
• Ultra-clear and simple line art
• 20+ expert contributors from around the UK
• Comprehensive coverage of all major areas of surgical practice
• Case studies and care plans
• Ian Peate, OBE, FRCN, EN(G) RGN, DipN(Lond), RNT B.Ed (Hons), MA, LLM, Head of School, School of Health Studies, Gibraltar Health Authority, Gibraltar; Editor in Chief British Journal of Nursing; Visiting Professor St George’s University of London and Kingston University London; Visiting Senior Clinical Fellow University of Hertfordshire, UK.
• Jay Macleod, BSc (Hons), DipHE ODP, PCTHE, Postgraduate Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring, Fellow of The Higher Education Academy, Lecturer and Placement Lead of Operating Department Practice Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK