51,30 €Chapter 1: Across anatomy
Chapter 2: The Five Filaments
Chapter 3: Srotas-kinematics (tubular movement)
Chapter 4: Kinematics come to life
Chapter 5: Acoustics of self
Appendix A: Yoga’s missing link
Appendix B: Nonlinear teaching
Online Chapter: Reflection and growth: spiral shareera
Exploring the potential for yoga as a healing experience, Spiral Bound: Integrated Anatomy for Yoga studies the physical expression of movement by examining the body’s anatomical structure as it has evolved since birth. Author, Karen Kirkness, weaves together threads of development to see how our morphological constraints arise in the earliest moments of life, and how this rotation lays the spiral groundwork for rotational kinematics that encompass all tissue.
Linking theory to practice in a conversational style, Spiral Bound is richly illustrated with full colour photographs and drawings that bring biomotion to life for yoga teachers, therapists and yoga practitioners. An artist and yoga anatomy investigator holding two master’s degrees, one in fine art and the other a Master of Science in Human Anatomy, Kirkness’ imagery and conceptual work revolves around body culture and somaesthetics and her hands-on teaching experience offers a more personal touch to Spiral Bound.
Karen Kirkness explains her passion for writing the text and making anatomy accessible: ‘I put my heart and soul and then some into this book, and my message will hopefully come through crystal clear: anatomy is accessible. A living science that emerges through each of us, our bodies are interconnected with nature through the filamentous structure. In time, we can learn to tap into that inner wisdom so that, with practice, we may reinforce the directives of nature that originally shape our body plans.
This book brings together basic embryology with kinesiology to offer a practical movement guide called the Five Filaments. I’m talking about spirals that flow within organismic constraints – how our human bodies form in development shapes the way we move as adults.’
Learn more about Karen’s teaching at