110,20 €Foreword
• Part I: Overview
1. ASD and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Conditions: A Conceptual Framework
• Part II: Co-Occurring Conditions
2. Co-Occurring Mood Problems in Autism Spectrum Disorder
3. Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders in Autism Spectrum Disorder
4. Substance-Autism Spectrum Disorder and Co-Occurring Addiction
5. Anxiety in ASD: A Case of Blurred Boundaries
6. Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders in Autism
7. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
8. Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Related Disruptive Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorder
9. ADHD in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A High-Risk Co-Occurring Condition
10. Intellectual Disability in Autism Spectrum Disorder
11. The Co-Occurrence of Autism and Gender Diversity
• Part III: Related Problems
12. Psychosexual Problems, Sexual Deviance and Promoting Sexual Health in Autistic Adolescents and Adults
13. Eating Issues in Autism Spectrum Disorder
14. Sleep Problems in Autism Spectrum Disorder
15. Aggression in Autism Spectrum Disorder
16. Understanding Executive Function Challenges in Autism Spectrum Disorders
17. Self-Injurious Behavior in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
18. Suicidality and Self-Harm in Autism Spectrum Conditions
• Part IV: Current Clinical Practices and Promising Research Approaches
19. Medications to Treat Co-Occurring Psychiatric Conditions in Autism Spectrum Disorder
20. A Model for Addressing Crisis Behavior in Youth with ASD within a Functional and Contextual Framework
21. Designing ASD Interventions for Community Implementation: Addressing Children's Challenging Behaviors in Publicly-Funded Mental Health Services
22. Synthesis: Current State of the Science and Future Directions
Co-occurring psychiatric conditions are extremely common among people who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The Oxford Handbook of Autism and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Conditions presents a compilation of the latest research in this area, summarized by internationally renowned experts. Each chapter presents an overview of the problem or disorder including information on prevalence in ASD and in the general public and a synthesis of the research on etiology, diagnostic best practices, and evidence-based intervention approaches. Case studies bring these concepts to life, and each chapter concludes with suggestions for future research directions in order to further develop our scientific and clinical understanding of the particular comorbidity. Given the fact that comorbidity is often a chronic and pervasive concern, this Handbook takes a lifespan approach, with each chapter touching on developmental aspects of the targeted problem, from early childhood through adulthood. The concluding section of the Handbook is comprised of content on clinical considerations and research approaches, including chapters on medications commonly used to treat co-occurring conditions, strategies for managing crisis situations in this clinical population, and community partnerships within an implementation science framework.
• Reflects up-to-date research on a broad range of co-occurring psychiatric conditions in individuals with autism
• Introduces clinicians, researchers, trainees and parents to a lifespan approach to autism
• Focuses on topics ignored by other reference texts, such as trauma and suicidality in people with autism
• Susan W. White, Professor, Center for Youth Development and Intervention, University of Alabama.
• Brenna B. Maddox, Postdoctoral Fellow, Penn Center for Mental Health, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania.
• Carla A. Mazefsky, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh