131,10 €Chapter 1 Integrating Mechanisms and Functions to Understand Behavior
Chapter 2 Hormones and Behavior: A Life History Perspective
Chapter 3 Sex Differences in Primate Social Relationships During Development
Chapter 4 Sex Differences in Cognition: Evidence for the Organizational-Activational Hypothesis
Chapter 5 Involvement of the Sex Hormones in Learning and Memory
Chapter 6 Endocrine Disruptors and Other Environmental Influences on Hormone Action
Chapter 7 Investigating the Ovulatory Cycle: An Overview of Research and Methods
Chapter 8 Reproduction Behavior in the Human Male
Chapter 9 Mate Preferences Across the Lifespan
Chapter 10 The Influence of Maternal Stress and Child Maltreatment on Offspring
Chapter 11 Evolution and Human Fatherhood
Chapter 12 Hormones, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity
Chapter 13 Intersexual and Intrasexual Competition and their Relation to Jealousy
Chapter 14 Synthetic Hormones: The Influence of Hormonal Contraceptives and Hormone Replacement Therapy on Chapter 15 The Endocrinology of Social Relationships and Affiliation
Chapter 16 Hierarchy and Testosterone: How Can Testosterone Promote Upward Mobility in Status Hierarchies?
Chapter 17 Competition, Dominance, and Social Hierarchy
Chapter 18 Oxytocin: An Evolutionary Framework
Chapter 19 Social Bond Paradoxes
Chapter 20 Stress Hormones, Physiology, and Behavior
Chapter 21 Hormones, Circadian Rhythms, and Mental Health
Chapter 22 Hormones and Major Depressive Disorder
Chapter 23 Sex Differences in Anxiety Disorders
Chapter 24 Future Directions in Human Behavioral Endocrinology
The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Endocrinology offers a comprehensive and compelling review of research in behavioral endocrinology from an evolutionary perspective on human psychology. Chapters, written by renowned experts on human behavior, explore a number of subtopics within one of three themes (1) development and survival, (2) reproductive behavior, and (3) social and affective behavior. Such topics include hormonal influences on life history strategy, mate choice, aggression, human hierarchical structure, and mood disorders.
This Handbook is situated at the intersection of evolutionary psychology and behavioral endocrinology. Its interdisciplinary approach makes it an important resource for a broad spectrum of researchers, graduate students, and advanced undergraduates who are interested in studying the motivations and mechanisms that affect behavior.
• Outlines how hormones affect our daily lives, including our mood, health, choice of romantic partner, friendships, jealousy, aggression, and social behaviors
• Evidence outlined therein shows that our behavior and psychology are influenced by our underlying biology
• Considers how hormones acting together can produce context-specific responses, which helps to explain how individual hormones appear to function in paradoxical ways
• Discusses competing theories for similar behaviors, such as the Challenge Hypothesis, the Biosocial Model of Status, Fight-or-flight response, and the Tend-and-befriend response
• Lisa L. M. Welling, Associate Professor of Psychology, Oakland University.
• Todd K. Shackelford, Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology, Oakland University