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Chapter 1. Self-Determination Theory: Meta-theory, Methods, and Meaning
• Part 1: Theoretical Foundations: The Six Mini-theories of SDT
Chapter 2. Cognitive Evaluation Theory: The Seedling that Keeps Self-Determination Theory Growing
Chapter 3. Organismic Integration Theory: A Theory of Regulatory Styles, Internalization, Integration, and Human Functioning in Society
Chapter 4. Basic Psychological Needs Theory: A Conceptual and Empirical Review of Key Criteria
Chapter 5. Causality Orientations Theory: SDT's Forgotten Mini Theory
Chapter 6. Causes, Costs, and Caveats: Reflections, and Future Directions for Goal Contents Theory
Chapter 7. Relationships Motivation Theory
• Part 2: Basic Research Themes
Chapter 8. Mindfulness and the Satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs
Chapter 9. Integration versus Minimization of Emotional Experiences: Addressing Adaptive Emotion Regulation
Chapter 10. The Energy Behind Human Flourishing: Theory and Research on Subjective Vitality
Chapter 11. Need-supportive and Need-thwarting Socialization: A Circumplex Approach
Chapter 12. Neuropsychological Research in Self-Determination Theory
Chapter 13. How Life Events are Integrated into the Self as Memories: A Memory Approach to Need Satisfaction and Emotion Regulation
Chapter 14. Toward a Neurobiology of Integrative Processes
Chapter 15. Self-Determination Theory as the Science of Eudaimonia and Good Living: Promoting the Better Side of Human Nature
Special Topics and Models
Chapter 16. The Role of Motivation in the Lifecycle of Personal Goals
Chapter 17. Using Free Will Wisely: The Self-concordance Model
Chapter 18. The Authentic Inner Compass as an Important Motivational Experience and Structure: Antecedents and Benefits
Chapter 19. The Role of Passion in Optimal Functioning in Society and Resilience
Chapter 20. With My Self: Self-Determination Theory as a Framework for Understanding the Role of Solitude in Chapter 21. Philosophical Perspectives on Autonomy in Self-Determination Theory
Chapter 22. Psychometric Approaches in Self-Determination Theory: Meaning and Measurement
• Part 3: Development
Chapter 23. A Lifespan Perspective on the Importance of the Basic Psychological Needs for Psychosocial Development
Chapter 24. How Parental Autonomy Support, Structure, and Involvement Help Children Flourish: Considering Interactions, Context, and Diversity
Chapter 25. Autonomy-Supportive Behaviors: Common Features and Variability Across Socialization Domains
Geneviève A. Mageau
Chapter 26. Supporting Children's Autonomy Early On: A Review of Studies Examining Parental Autonomy Support toward Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers
Chapter 27. Conditional Regard in Development and Relationships
Chapter 28. Developmental Issues in Emerging Adulthood
• Part 4: Education and Learning
Chapter 29. Education as Flourishing: Self-Determination Theory in Schools as They Are, and as They Might Be
Chapter 30. Self-Determination Theory and Language Learning
Chapter 31. Motivation and Self-Regulation in Music, Musicians, and Music Education
Chapter 32. Self-Determination Theory in Health Professions Education Research and Practice
Chapter 33. Self-Determination Theory and the Education of Learners with Disabilities
• Part 5: Physical Needs, Activity, and Sport
Chapter 34. Self-Determination Theory Applied to Sport
Chapter 35. Motivational Processes in Physical Education: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective
Chapter 36. Self-Determination Theory in Physical Activity Contexts
Chapter 37. The Interplay between Basic Psychological Needs and Sleep in Self-Determination Theory
• Part 6: Clinical and Health Applications
Chapter 38. Facilitating Health Behavior Change: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective
Chapter 39. Autonomy Support and Autonomous Motivation: Common Factors in Counseling and Psychotherapy
Chapter 40. The Transdiagnostic Role of the Basic Psychological Needs in Psychopathology
Chapter 41. The Ethics and Practice of Autonomy Supportive Medicine
Chapter 42. Self-Determined Motivation, Oral Hygiene Behavior, Oral health, and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life
• Part 7: Work and Organizations
Chapter 43. Shaping Tomorrow's Workplace by Integrating Self-Determination Theory: A Literature Review and Recommendations
Chapter 44. How Important is Money to Motivate People to Work?
Chapter 45. Leadership: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective
Chapter 46. How to Motivate People to Care About Prejudice Reduction in the Workplace
Part 8: Media and Technology Applications
Chapter 47. Captivated by Meaning: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective on Motivation for Entertainment Media
Chapter 48. Self-Determination Theory and Technology Design
Chapter 49. Flourishing in Digital Environments: The Case for Self-Determination Theory as a Beneficial Framework for Individuals, Industry, and Society
• Part 8: The Self in Society
Chapter 50. Self-Determination Theory in Cross-Cultural Research
Chapter 51. Self-Determination Theory and International Development
Chapter 52. Social Issues: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective
Chapter 53. A Group-Conscious Approach to Basic Psychological Needs Theory
Chapter 54. A Self-Determination Theory Perspective on Stigma and Prejudice
Chapter 55. The "What" and the "Why" of Pro-Environmental Deeds: How Values and Self-determined Motivation Interact to Predict Environmentally Protective Behavior
Chapter 56. The Social Conditions for Human Flourishing: Economic and Political Influences on Basic Psychological Needs
Chapter 57. Acting as One: Self-Determination Theory's Scientific and Existential Import

Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is a broad theory of psychological growth and wellness that has revolutionized how we think about human motivation. SDT has been the basis for new and more effective practices in parenting, education, business, sport, healthcare, and other areas of life fostering higher-quality motivation, engagement, connection, and wellness.

Drawing on over four decades of evidence-based research and application, this handbook delivers a truly integrative volume with 57 chapters by the top researchers and experts within the field of SDT. Edited by an SDT cofounder, this handbook traces the theory's historical and scientific foundations and synthesizes the latest research and insights on human motivation, covering topics from the social and biological underpinnings of motivation and wellness to practical applications in all aspects of life.

The Oxford Handbook of Self-Determination Theory is an invaluable resource for researchers, practitioners, and students interested in practical research and guidance on the study of human nature.

Richard M. Ryan is a Professor at the Institute for Positive Psychology and Education at the Australian Catholic University, North Sydney. He is also Distinguished Professor in the College of Education at Ewha Womans University, South Korea, Professor Emeritus in Psychology at the University of Rochester, USA, and Visiting Professor at Imperial College London, UK. As a clinical psychologist and co-developer of Self-Determination Theory (SDT), he is currently the most cited researcher in psychology today. He is the author of over 450 papers and books in the areas of human motivation and well-being, including, Self-Determination Theory: Basic Psychological Needs in Motivation, Development and Wellness (2017).
He lectures internationally on the factors that promote motivation and healthy psychological and behavioral functioning, applied to such areas as work and organizations, education, health, sport and exercise, video games and virtual environments. He has also been honored with several lifetime achievement awards and honorary professorships and is recognized as one of the eminent psychologists of the modern era.