138,32 €I Patellofemoral anatomy, mechanics and evaluation
1 Patellofemoral anatomy and mechanics
2 Patient and family history in the evaluation of patellofemoral patients
3 Examination of patients with patellofemoral symptoms
4 Imaging evaluation of patients with patellofemoral symptoms
5 Principles of prevention and rehabilitation for patellofemoral - Christopher Powers
6 Newest surgical treatments for patellofemoral osteochondral lesions
II Case based evaluation and treatment of patellofemoral patients
7 The pediatric patient with open physes: case– 11 year old girl with dysplasia
8 Adolescent patient with closed physes, mild dysplasia and malalignment: case – 15 year old girl case presentation, and commentary and treatment recommendations by international surgeons
9 Young male soccer player with second dislocation, closed physes, normal trochlea – 19 year old
10 21 year old male with alta, recurrent instability
11 19 year old girl with high tttg, trochlear dysplasia
12 25 year old with large chondral lesion, patellofemoral instability, tttg 15mm
13 35 year old with recurrent instability, chondrosis of patella and trochlea
III Patellofemoral pain. Chondrosis, and arthritis
14 19 year old with anterior knee pain, normal articular cartilage
15 22 year old with anterior knee pain, normal cartilage, mild alignment abnormalities
16 21 year old with patellofemoral pain and mal torsion of the lower limbs: place of derotation osteotomies
22 27 year old male, basketball, with central trochlear lesion
23 35 year old woman, lateral patella and trochlear chondrosis
24 55 year old, marginal osteophytes, general patellofemoral chondrosis
IV Traumatic injuries to the patellofemoral joint
25 Patellofemoral fracture, stellate, in 54 year old woman
26 Patella fracture of inferior pole, in 48 year old man
27 Quadriceps tendon rupture in 54 year old man
28 Patella tendon rupture in 37 year old man
V Degenerative tendinopathies of the patellofemoral joint
29 Osgood-Schlatter’s disease in a 12 year old
30 Patella tendinitis in a 21 year old basketball player
31 Patella tendinitis at Osgood-schlatter’s lesion of 32 year old
32 Quadriceps tendinitis in a 35 year old
VI Advances and the future treatment of patellofemoral disorders
33 Evidence based medicine
34 Biologic treatments.
This practical case-based book assists clinicians in the evaluation and treatment of patellofemoral patients by reviewing critical elements for assessment and presenting clinical scenarios in which different experts provide their recommendations for treatment.
Subdivided in 6 parts it explores the joint’s anatomy and mechanics, as well as case-based evaluation and treatment of patellofemoral instability, arthritis and chondrosis, traumatic injuries and degenerative tendinopathies. Moreover, the closing part offers an overview of the latest advances and future developments.
Written in collaboration with ISAKOS, this book offers a valuable guide for orthopedists and sports medicine treating common and complex injuries of this joint.
• Reflects the most cutting edge research in anterior knee pain and knee problems
• Provides various perspectives, unlike other books written from a single perspective
• Includes case reviews by several different experts, who each bring their own unique points of view