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Preface vii
Acknowledgments viii
• SECTION I Presurgical Evaluation and
Imaging 1
Chapter 1 Presurgical Evaluation and Decision-
Making 2
• SECTION II Surgical T echnology and Techniques 17
Chapter 2 Surgical Systems and Tools, and Operating Room Organization 18
Chapter 3 The Alcon Constellation Vision System 33
Chapter 4 Visualization and Illumination 38
Chapter 5 3D Visualization for Vitreoretinal Surgery 42
Chapter 6 Endoscopy and Intraoperative OCT 45
Chapter 7 Anesthesia Considerations for Vitreoretinal Surgery 49
Chapter 8 General Posterior Segment Techniques 54
Chapter 9 Endocyclophotocoagulation 85
Chapter 10 Combined Phacoemulsification and Vitrectomy 88
Chapter 1 1 Vitrectomy Techniques and Technology for Anterior Segment Problems 90
• SECTION III In-Office Procedures 113
Chapter 12 In-Office Procedures 114
SECTION IV Disease-Specific Management 119
Chapter 13 Laser Treatment of Retinal Breaks and Laser Delimiting 120
Chapter 14 Scleral Buckling 123
Chapter 15 Vitrectomy for Retinal Detachment 127
Chapter 16 Giant Breaks 133
Chapter 17 Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy 139
Chapter 18 Epimacular Membranes, Vitreomacular Traction Syndrome, Macular Schisis 151
Chapter 19 Macular Holes 157
Chapter 20 Diabetic Retinopathy 167
Chapter 21 Management of Retinal Vein Occlusions 185
Chapter 22 Surgical Management of Choroidal Neovascular Membranes 187
Chapter 23 Trauma 194
Chapter 24 Endophthalmitis 205
Chapter 25 Vitrectomy for Uveitis 210
Chapter 26 Retinopathy of Prematurity 215
Chapter 27 Pediatric Traction Retinal Detachments 221
Chapter 28 Inadvertent Ocular Penetration 223
Chapter 29 Management of Suprachoroidal Hemorrhage 225
Chapter 30 Surgical Self-Education 228
Index 231

Written by a world-renowned pioneer in vitreoretinal surgery, Vitreous Microsurgery, 6th Edition, is an up-to-date, comprehensive how-to guide to all vitreoretinal procedures. Dr. Steve Charles, along with Drs. Stephen Huddleston and Jonathan Brugger, takes readers step by step through the decision-making process for evaluating the best course of treatment, and describes in detail clinically proven methods of managing the anterior and posterior segment vitreous surgery patient in a systematic manner. Numerous algorithms assist with intraoperative decision making, relying on knowledge of physical principles and performed in the order of ascending risk.

• Presents material in a systematic, building block approach with general methodology preceding its application to specific disease states.
• Includes significant updates to all existing chapters, as well as new coverage of 3D visualization, endoscopy, intraoperative OCT, anti-VEGF for ROP in addition to of laser, 2-needle in-office silicone emulsification removal, 2-needle in-office PFO droplet removal, and macular patch graft.
• Discusses alternative approaches for surgical treatments as well as their pros and cons.
• Features more than 180 3-dimensional, full-color illustrations—many by the Charles Retina Institute's renowned graphic artist, Byron Wood—for clear visualization of techniques, as well as new OCT images and new photographs.
• Offers unparalleled instruction, pearls, and tips from Dr. Steve Charles, a pioneering leader in the development of vitreoretinal surgical techniques and instruments.

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