162,45 €Part of the new Pattern-Based Approach series, designed to teach pathology in a way that reflects actual sign-out, this new visually-oriented guidebook presents real-life cases and practical diagnostic tips. Disease processes are organized into ‘patterns’ of injury—the method by which pathologists approach their work—and self-assessment quizzes are provided for each chapter to give you experience with high-yield, board-style teaching topics.
• Nearly 800 high-quality photomicrographs to help you generate efficient differential diagnoses and avoid diagnostic pitfalls.
• Detailed figure legends and handy Checklists and Key Features sections streamline information and help you better understand the pattern-based approach.
• The Pearls & Pitfalls and the Near Miss sections offer valuable lessons from sneaky cases.
• Tables emphasize salient clinicopathologic features, management implications, and therapeutic options.
• FAQs focus on common diagnostic dilemmas.
• The Sample Note sections offer templates of how to sign-out complicated cases and include up-to-date references.
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