38,57 €1 Ethics and Communication
2 Infectious Diseases
3 Gastroenterology and Nutrition
4 Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancreatic Disease
5 Haematological Disease
6 Malignant Disease
7 Rheumatology
8 Water, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Balance
9 Renal Disease
10 Cardiovascular Disease
11 Respiratory Disease
12 Critical Care Medicine
13 Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
14 Endocrine Disease
15 Diabetes Mellitus and Other Disorders of Metabolism
16 The Special Senses
17 Neurology
18 Dermatology
19 Elderly Medicine and Frailty
The seventh edition of this BMA award-winning pocket guide provides essential information for doctors based on the comprehensive Kumar & Clark’s Clinical Medicine - the highly respected, gold-standard textbook on the treatment and management of medical conditions.
Essentials is intended as an easy-to-access revision reference that provides important information for doctors on the ward, including normal values, medical emergencies, useful websites, abbreviations and a dictionary of terms.
This best-selling book has been fully updated and is accessible, coherent and concise, making it an essential companion for medical students, doctors and health professionals in the UK and around the world.
• Nicola Zammitt, MBChB BSc(Med Sci) MD FRCP(Edin), Consultant Physician and Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer; Clinical Director Edinburgh Centre for Endocrinology and Diabetes (ECED); Clinical Lead Diabetes Managed Clinical Network; Foundation Programme Director (S11), Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
• Euan Sandilands, MD FRCP(Edin) PGCert (MedEd), Consultant Physician, Clinical Toxicology and Acute Medicine, National Poisons Information Service, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK